The Crapto Thread

eventually we will have some kind of debt crisis in the US caused by some black swan event that makes low interest rates + low inflation + massive budget deficits unfeasible. everything related to risk, greed and finance always ends up turning out that the experts were wrong.

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This guy fucks




Yeah I would be happy to buy a ticket to that movie right now.

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Tom is not very smart

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And yet a bunch of dopes on a lefty politics forum who manage zero dollars professionally managed not to buy any of this garbage.


:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

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Libertarianism is bad. Capitalism is bad. Libertarianism+capitalism is really bad.

as was the case during black friday, I’m left with the feeling that the Bahamas are a lawless wasteland

Lawless yes, wasteland, no. The lawlessness is a feature to attract unscrupulous types, just as it is with the Caymans or Panama or other havens of privacy from taxation and regulatory oversight

Does anyone ITT think that blockchain is a key emerging technology that will solve important problems? Any predictions here?

Or does everyone think it’s just a way to create scarce digital assets that go up and down? Something more akin to baseball cards.

I think 50 years from now it will find usefulness in a few niche applications and industries, but it won’t be a standard feature or practice in how most of the world works.


Blockchain has always struck me as something the Borg might use.

Maybe AI will find it usefull when it takes over. Finally.

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Wait, Michael Lewis has been embedded for 6 months? Did anyone else here know about this?

Seems like kind of a red flag. “Uh Michael, hi this is Sam Bankman-Fried. Love your work on the Big Short. Hey I might have a big story brewing for you…”

Ok probably not that. But still, I really need to know how Lewis became “embedded” with SBF for 6 months.

That face when you find out who has you on ignore.