The Crapto Thread

Same. But her status would come from being Sam’s #1 and head of Sequoia, not her hotness.

Morgan Freeman voice: “And in the end, the immutable infallible blockchain was taken down by… a simple Excel spreadsheet.”


I get that. I just don’t believe that hotness plays zero role in the hierarchy.

In that crew I wouldn’t be surprised.

*Like I know shit about billionaire polycules. I’m just talking out of my ass for fun.

But he drives a Corolla!

The problem here is that the diamonds only became valuable when a bunch of cum filled benzo junkies found it more lucrative to accept tax free blowjobs and to advertise sloppy seconds at below market rates in an environment exempt from laws to their friends while nobody noticed. But lets regulate it to so we can send it to the moon again or something.

Like, the market knows how to value this shit properly. But your average idiot doesn’t actually know what that value is.

I mostly agree and I’m hesitant to go down this path, but here I am typing up this response: are we sure she wasn’t the hottest?

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That too. Are there any pics where we see her body? She could be kind of sneaky nerdy hot if she’s got a nice body.

I’m about to get deservedly scolded for being sexist. I apologize in advance.

This is certainly possible, but if we were to take an age-matched sample of 5ish random successful tech/finance broettes how often would she be the hottest?


Are we really not allowed to comment on a girl’s (or guy’s, if that’s your thing) hotness level on this forum? Even in the Crapto Thread?

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Someone help me out. I have no idea what this reference is.

Oh yeah. Good job vibing with my gaffe.

I personally think it’s acceptable and that we can totally have that conversation. We should appreciate and recognize the beauty in everyone! Sometimes these conversations do turn south though and get creepy, gross, obsessive, sexist, etc. especially in the conversation of an online forum populated almost exclusively of dudes. At least that’s my experience.


A normal businessman is at a company brunch and a beauty contest for little buff boys happens and he’s brought up to the front and forced to judge the boys based on appearance, but he’s reluctant to do so


Smart move with all those political donations. Now he can call in some favors and avoid jail.

This is fair.

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What do FTX and SBFs housemates have in common?

They are all fucking close to a ponzi.

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