The Crapto Thread

bruh it really isn’t


Yeah dude, no one pushed back on me saying “hey this shit is hard for normies, who you really need if you’re going to extend this party”.

Totally normal happy time discussion, just like now. Definitely not ganging up with a bunch of tangential nonsense and tone-policing.

All this started with Wichita’s usual sanctimonious BS. All I was doing was talking about crapto in the crapto thread. But as usual some of you get butthurt as if I’m coming into the crypto thread and making fun of you personally.

You still haven’t figured out that dunking on you for losing money at slave ships was meant to get you to actually use your brain and think rather than me actually caring about what mediocre shit you invest in have you?

Seriously how un-self aware can you be.

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actually what’s funnier is these mfs had two chances

this green circle is when JPEG really started popping, and then crypto had a second wind:

but if you go back check the other thread people were trying to lowkey mock me for ‘losing’ money (because i sold the top but ummmm rebought way above the bottom)

the fact that i mentioned six figure swings should’ve been a hint but oh well

and then life came at you fast

as it tends to do from time to time


ok real talk what even more funniest than even that is these dudes missing out on Big Money Fabulous Prizes cuz they had me on ignore, like sizzler99 over here

Guy next to me at the poker table is just glumy staring at live updating BTC Vs $ graph which appears to be drilling somewhat lol.

well it ain’t going up that’s for sure

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Hmm starting to think his “vote republican” message wasn’t just about wanting a divided government


Actually apologies, this post of mine is veering awfully close to HFSP. That’s a tad unseemly and suzzer wasn’t even in the thread during that period if I recall.

This post below though is my attempt at spurring on some big boy discussion:

For conversation’s sake, what’s the difference between the DOGEcoin trade and anything else anybody else has done with crypto?

I hope people aren’t inventing things that were never actually said. We here at UP take such behaviour VERY seriously.

i’m trying to think of a scenario where it’s not crypto, where you bought diamonds. and you’re in possession of your diamonds, you’re holding them in your hands in your home.

and somewhere in the bahamas, a team of amphetamine junkies that are young dumb and full of cum decide they’re gonna accept diamonds as payment to buy into their investment banking scheme, that falls apart due to excessive daytime blowjobs and financial negligence.

and then your friends tell you, “boy this really proves diamonds were just a ponzi. i fuckin told you, man.”

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Like thinking the dollar is a ponzi because of bernie madoff.

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Yea… I have no idea why it bothers some of you so much that a handful of poors are laughing at cartoon jpegs dropping half a million per in floor price. It’s objectively funny. Like, we are litterally having fun staying poor.


none of that occured in my experience

Calling something a “ponzi” when it’s actually an asset bubble is wrong and sort of lazy tbqh.


Almost as silly as calling Enron a bank :wink:

Tom fitton is a fucking psychopath. It’s not just Elon’s a stupid republican stuff, he engages with some of the cretins. Hell, he’s only one former biz partner (Thiel) from funding Ted Cruz.

If burning man were a book festival silicon valley would be a better place.

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