The Crapto Thread

both things are true tho

it’s mostly useless, and also lol u for not getting in before the lol hoopla with many on this board

also btc was over 60k a year ago lololol me at not selling all of it

That’s the problem. If you’re not an early adopter, trying to hop on the speeding train when umps are wearing FTX patches Matt Damon is on TV saying fortune favors the brave - can be very very risky.

Our discord was almost a year old at that point

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people keeping money on ftx were keeping it in a bank. people keeping their money in an unregulated bank run by criminals like ftx, or a regulated bank run by criminals like enron, have to trust bankers to come through on their promises. if they kept it in actual crypto they’d be fine. a crypto wallet literally prevents commingling your funds with other holders’ funds. it prevents maniacs hopped up on adderall from gambling your investments on hedge fund stuff

Banks are FDIC insured though.

So you’re saying if the fence-sitting normies had listened to the crypto bros on this forum two years ago? Profit? Ok.

But if the normies listened to the crypto bros on this forum and jumped in one year ago? Maybe not so much?

So the key is just make sure you pick the first scenario and don’t jump in at the top of the mania. How will you know when it’s the top? Well that’s a bit tricky.

One of the points I’d make that got the biggest scorn was how scary and hard crypto was for most normies - who you need to jump in if you’re going to extend the profitable first scenario as long as possible.

But absolutely no one wanted to hear it. “Lol you, just get a cold wallet noob. Lol don’t sign a smart contract - DUH. Yeah don’t trust the exchanges either, are you crazy?”

And now, in retrospect it appears we have hit the high-water mark of normies who might actually jump in, and are receding fast. I don’t see how that’s going to be eclipsed until a ton of trust somehow emerges. That’s what you should be pushing for imo.

Something like the FDIC for crypto - but on the blockchain, and with a cooler name.

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Do you recall making a profitable DOGEcoin trade that even I advised against?

(as for that other post, what beetlejuice said, about the difference between ‘crypto’ and ‘crypto exchange’)

ok but why would the ‘crypto’ ‘bros’ on ‘this’ ‘forum’ advise you to do that?


a mf is gonna run out of scare quotes at this rate tbh

I guess the question then is why people are still using these exchanges after they keep scamming the shit out of clients.

lol and the crypto thread was even older holy shit that list of altcoins is probably STILL in the green barely

Are you all even trying a little bit to have an actual discussion?

Supposedly coinbase is 100% transparent with their funds. They seem trustworthy on that at least. But there’s still the whole selling your data stuff, and their support being useless when you get SIM-swapped, and all the holes hackers seem to keep finding to see your balance and personal info.

It’s pretty clear from some of the stuff I’ve posted itt that hackers have lists of coinbase users with how much crypto they own, and are constantly working on SIM-swps or other attacks (like what happened to my buddy in FL). That to me is a big enough reason to stay away. Maybe binance is better.

Lol you know all those things were said in the old thread. I assume you’re just trying to make me do a bunch of work so you can laugh at me for it.

NFT scam happens that even savvy NFT users fall for - well duh, don’t sign a smart contract.

Coinbase sucks - well yeah don’t use coinbase, set up your own wallet.

I’m not pushing for anything, I’m just a guy chatting on a forum. The thing that bothers me is that ‘we’ told ‘you guys’ “hey come get money with us, it’s pretty easy and really fun. It’s a bubble but so was poker and we all remember how fun that was right?”

And you guys, our peers, who should have understood all of this, said “no, crypto is a scam, you want us for exit liquidity” or whatever idk I didn’t really read


It annoyed me then and it still does now as ‘you guys’ are victory lapping. I understood why the two or three guys I mentioned it to in real life weren’t interested. But you guys? Online poker was basically NFT college. Throw in a few gigabrains willing to literally hand you free money (thanks Goofy and Emmpee :two_hearts:)…I just can’t wrap my head around it.

I can’t even really articulate why it annoys me so much. Why should I care if some guys I chat with on the internet decide they’d rather not retire years early? I still don’t know but it still does and here we are.


Yeah and it was mostly your team that took huge exception to anyone pointing out the bubble while it was happening. If literally everyone just agreed it was a bubble and we were all having fun there would have been no arguments.

But that’s not what happened. There was a shit-ton of “you just don’t get it old man, people didn’t understand the internet at first” - which seems to have gone straight down the memory hole.

You’re making that up, entirely

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Did you guys plan this on discord to try to get me to look this up and then laugh? Goofy literally said “people didn’t get the internet at first” a ton of times.

That’s not “hey yeah we know it’s a bubble and we’re all having fun” by a long shot.

What Goofy said was true, I don’t understand what you’re saying