The Crapto Thread

And eth right?


Presumably someone received a lot of money for this.

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so EA is something he came up with to make him feel less shitty for only donating $50 million last year out of his $20 billion or whatever he had. Mackenzie Scott has probably donated more money than the rest of the piece of shit billionaires combined and notice how she doesnt use any of that hokey dokey bullshit likr EA, she just gives her money away. Its really easy to do! Charities usually dont turn down free money if you offer it to them.



Lol. On the one hand, yes, Disney stock is down this year as well! On the other hand, I have a hard time picturing Disney CEO Bob Chapek holed up in the Bahamas plotting his escape to Dubai.

He didn’t come up with EA. The animosity towards it itt is super weird.

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You’ve always struck me as an ends justifies the means kind of guy, so it’s a bit surprising that this doesn’t sit well with you.

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So… why hasn’t anyone that lost 7+ figures flown down there to kick his ass / abduct him?

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I am laughing my ass off looking at this “balance sheet” that SBF put together this past week.

FTT coins = $6B
SRM = $2B (market cap of the coin is ~$88M)


I’m not a consequentialist. I just have wider range of means that I consider morally permissible.

I haven’t followed this real close but I guess it depends on how much of that billions was customer deposits and how much was just made up shitcoin value that they put on their books.

Seems to me that all of the personal net worth numbers you see that are based on their stonk or coin or ridiculously overvalued company equity values aren’t real. Yeah Elon owns 100 billion of tesla stock or whatever at current prices, cool if he started unloading the price would tank and that 100 billion becomes a whole lot less right?


Lots of people lost real money here.

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The main issue I see with the arguments that take place ITT is the constant conflation of a) line goes up/down, who made money, who lost money and b) where someone stands on the spectrum of crypto is useless vs crypto/blockchain is an important emerging technology

so it’s like
A: “crypto is useless”
B: “you’ve been saying that for 10 years and it’s up one billion since then, lol u”

well son be the change you want to see in the world

Crypto is fine, i guess, if you recognize it as a risky system for storing value that needs to be regulated just like every other system for storing value. It’s all the people who keep arguing that it’s so much more superior to fiat because of this lack of regulation who are now having their chickens come home to roost as every type of scam under the sun is currently being exposed because of this lack of regulation.

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Why are you not out on the wider internet debating them instead of posting dumb shit in here?


They dont have any money for plane tickets?

Scroll back a few thousand posts. (Into the other thread I guess). I’m old enough to remember when Crypto was much safer than banks because something something banks are stealing our money with no recourse.

Jesus, they weren’t cooking the books, they were fucking broiling the books

FTX isn’t technically a ponzi scheme! How many times does this have to be explained? Why don’t u short crypto if ur so smart?

Line going up is a use