The Crapto Thread

The philosophers I most associate with EA, Peter Singer and Will MacAskill, are utilitarians. SBF definitely was motivated by utilitarianism.

You provide a good demonstration by example of the flaws in utilitarianism.


Yes, his paper from the 70ā€™s probably kicked off the movement, and he is a utilitarian. All I was saying to NBZ is that many other ethical systems lead to the foundational tenet of EA as well so rejecting utilitarianism is not a reason to reject EA.

Fun fact (?), I once had dinner with Peter Singer (and many others) at an extremely expensive vegan restaurant in London, Ontario!

As to the articleā€¦ man thereā€™s a lot going on there. Some very sloppy reporting in the first half on his views in Practical Ethics, but it makes me want to go find his actual OpEd about disability and rape. I wouldnā€™t trust this journalist to report its contents accurately.


NBZ what brand of normative ethics do you subscribe to? You donā€™t seem to be a deontologist.

Without having read the article, I would guess he is arguing for animal rights rather than for raping the disabled. Sounds like a typical argument from marginal cases.

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My solution to the trolley problem is that pulling the lever and doing nothing are equally ethical.

Banner day for crypto

Hereā€™s the WSJ homepage

I know having a failed startup is some kind of weird badge of honor for wooing potential VC investment, but somehow I think heā€™s not gonna escape unscathed here

The 2000 Enron front page was a banner day for electricity!

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It kinda was

In the annals of electricity not really. Corporate fraud, sure.

This is the super weird conflation people keep making over and over.

I guess you would say Lehman had more to do with bankruptcy than the housing market

In my mind the asset class is important here. Thereā€™s a reason we arenā€™t reading about a 30 year old earning and then losing multiple billions of dollars by becoming a farmer.

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There isnā€™t anything inherent to crypto to cause these failures. It is the complete lack of regulation that allows shady actors (in a previous life we all enjoyed together Dutch Boyd) to continue to operate in this space. You, and many others in this thread are conflating criminals/scammers with the bulk of activity in crypto.


Theoretically lack of regulation isnā€™t inherent to crypto, but in practice that is one of its defining features


I mean thatā€™s like saying the mortgage market inherently doesnā€™t need to be subsidized by the federal government. oK, but it was

Letā€™s say we had a crypto market with regulation. Do you think SBF or the other scams would happen?

Letā€™s say we had an online poker market in the 2000s with regulation . Do you think Full Tilt would happen?

Acting like crypto is the inherent problem just isnā€™t accurate. Every market in the history of earth who hasnā€™t been overseen by government turns into this.

Great letā€™s regulate crypto. But letā€™s also not pretend that lack of regulation isnā€™t a big draw for many of the market participants.