The Crapto Thread

I agree with you?

I canā€™t think of any service bitcoin currently provides that it is still able to do competitively if the market was fully regulated.

No, heā€™s arguing that the disabled guy must have enjoyed it because he didnā€™t fight back.

You might want to read the article. Itā€™s pretty wild.

Crypto is currently valuable because it isnā€™t regulated. Exposing and preventing the fraud within bitcoin (while not BTCs direct fault, I guess) is the kryptonite to its value. You cant regulate it and send t above 20k. That thought is going to rek folks. The fact that itā€™s been around for over a decade doing dirty work under the table so it must be something special isnā€™t a healthy sign for future growth.


What is the bulk of crypto activity that is creating net value?

People had these thoughts about online poker also and yet it is still fairly healthy.

Most of the anti crypto arguments in this thread apply to every currency and many asset classes. Pretty cool


I feel like Iā€™m in the Tiwlight Zone itt.


Currencyā€™s main job is a stable store of value to facilitate exchange of goods.

Bitcoin and eth certainly play that function, but I dont think thatā€™s why most people buy it.

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Was this posted?



Sure. Iā€™m not against bitcoin and I would prefer that it at least remains as a possible option. My issue is that its price reflects its structured operating value and regulation wouldnā€™t offer anything positive to its value. My stance is that its price is fully fucked, not the product entirely.


oh ya but thereā€™s one problem with that

I donā€™t think a single person itt wouid argue crypto currencies are properly priced. Itā€™s a tulip mania. The whole point is they are not priced correctly.

I think BTC and ETH are properly priced. Its usage is the tulip mania, imo.

Just a hunch but people get upset because everything you post is objectively super duper stupid, to the point it feels intentional. You just did it here again.

edit: had to add ā€˜super duperā€™

Maybe ā€˜ponziā€™ is just a fun word to say. Hm.

Ponzi ponzi ponzi.
