The Crapto Thread

Imagine being giddy because if BTC and ETH can just plunge a bit more they can catch up to your slave ship investments:


There it is. I was starting to worry about you.

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In all seriousness if you think this is the end of crypto and somehow proves your decade long thesis that crypto is a worthless scam then now seems like an excellent spot to bet on it while we aren’t anywhere near 0.

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I am betting on it by not buying any. It’s worked ok so far. As many people have explained itt, shorting a volatile asset is a shitload of risk.

And if you actually read the thread I explicitly have said a bunch of times I don’t think it’s going to zero. That’s a strawman people like you always throw in.

Crypto skeptics itt looking at $500k monkey JPEGs: Guys you know this is a ponzi scheme, right? You’re all just having fun riding the mania right? Cool.

Crypto bros: So you’re saying all crypto is going to zero? Well why don’t you bet on it then if you’re so smart? Huh?

Lots of crypto ponzi schemes have already gone busto, as some of us predicted to much mockery and derision during the heady “We’re rewriting the rules of money and finance!” days of 9 months ago. Many more to come I’m sure.

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It doesn’t necessarily work like that because “saving a life in a rich country is substantially more important than saving a life in a poor country” is a tenet of many EAs. Also, nonprofits make budgets around grants promised, so not only might you not feed any Sudanese kids, but that fabulous staff you hired to realize your vision are now looking through the jobs listings in the classifieds.

Edit: the quote above comes from the CEO of FTX’s philanthropic arm.

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Not great for those promised grants by SBF

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Did you miss a “not” in there? The reason EA is radical is because it follows the natural consequences of treating all lives as equally valuable. Peter Singer’s “Famine, Affluence, and Morality” is usually cited as the founding text.

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Sounds like a weird quote, but I could see it potentially argued by a consequentialist if they believe that the rich person will have a happier life than the poor person.

However, that’s the opposite of the advice of people like Singer, who say that it’s much more cost effective to do good in poor countries than rich countries.

They’d have to be pretty fuckin happy. It isn’t a 1:1 comparison (1 rich life or one poor life) but like 1:1000 or something like that.

Yeah I don’t think it’s a good argument

Well, things have changed, and you can decide for yourself if they’ve evolved or devolved, into “longtermism” which suggests that alleviating the suffering of the billions of lives to come is more more important than doing so for those already here.

I saw a book on this the other day. “What We Owe the Future” or something like that. But the most thorough review on Amazon made it sound like I wouldn’t like it.

We should strive improve the lives of people in the past imo

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Well, that one was written by another founder of FTX’s charitable arm.

Juding crypto or EA or whatever because SBF was a criminal doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. That’s what bothers me about the pile on here. It’s trying to turn all the participants into SBF which they aren’t.

Pretty sure I’m on record more than a year ago saying there needs to be more stringent regulation on this shit. The fact there has been none in that time period means a SBF situation was inevitable.

Crypto as a thing is here to stay. No it may not be something that transforms the future but the people coming here to spike the football as if they are somehow validated are wrong. I mean does anyone here not see BTC/ETH as a thing 5 years from now? Do people really think this space will be abandoned completely? Or course not because there still is demand. There likely will be for the forseeable future. Maybe that doesn’t mean 1M BTC or 100K ETH but acting like this is the end is silly self serving nonsense imo.


Blockchain is still a favourite to have a significant impact on the future.

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Agreed. It probably won’t be what it is now in 10 years but really what is?

Effective altruism seems to be a utilitarian idea that if you donate enough money after the fact, you can be a neoliberal capitalist and still be a good person. Which kinds of sounds like if you donate enough money to women’s causes after the fact, you can rape and still be a good person.

I’m fine with dogpiling on utilitarians and on neoliberal capitalists and using SBF against them.


How good could the legal advice he’s getting be if he hasn’t already fled to a non-extradition jurisdiction?