The Crapto Thread


Maybe the next statement from SBF will be something like “Yeah I siphoned off an obscene amount of $ through unknown backdoors and jetted off to South America but I had to! Effective altruism is my top priority and I had to secure funds to be used for good while FTX hit a rough patch. Wait until you see what I, an altruist, have planned for this money!” and the wait begins

Are you laughing at these tweets or agreeing with them?

Mostly agreeing.

EA seems dumb.

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But but but…. Something something, the regular stock market is tanking too…. Argle bargle

I think both his parents are law profs at Stanford. I’m sure he’s covered on the legal end of things.

What is EA in this context? The acronym stands for six thousand different things. Type things out, people. I can’t read minds.

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grimes is elon’s banker too? this is just like ftx!


Effective altruism

Oh, of course. Right on the tip of my tongue.

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I literally didn’t know who SBF was a week ago. But I knew what EA was in this tweet because effective altruism keeps coming up around this saga.

So why is FTX bad for the EA (Effective Altruism) community? Were they investing with him, or are they just ashamed they associated with and took money from him?

Nobody who actually knows shit ever says, “I don’t believe in books”.

That’s the kind of thing said by people who think they know better than everyone else in the world, on any subject they put their mind to for a few minutes, because they’re really good at certain kinds of puzzle solving.

It’s like I was the first time I played NLHE. I thought, “These people at the table don’t look that smart, I bet I can figure this out on the fly.” Then I read a real poker book and instantly realized I was a fucking idiot.

It’s the kind of thinking that results in Elon believing no one else at twitter has ever thought of his brilliant business ideas. Because he’s so much smarter than them, he can discount everything they tell him about why it won’t work.

These people only finally learn when the real world hits them in the face. There is no other way.


No idea. But I can’t imagine they like being associated with a scandal. Also he may have made some commitments that they were banking on.

It’s not great when one of your most vocal advocates turns out to be a scam artist.

We’ll, among other things ftx was funding a lot of EA stuff.

idk, if I’m feeding children in South Sudan some shady crypto bro wants to throw money at me, I ain’t saying no. And if it blows up later, oh well. At least I got some kids fed.