The Crapto Thread

I’m not even really commenting on EA for what it’s worth. I think using SBF as a reason why X is bad makes about as much sense as Bear Stearns being a reason why its dumb to invest in a house.

SBF is a criminal and spiking the football about the things he was involved in as inherently bad is pretty low level thinking.

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I mean I would never have held that shit had I ever owned it. In fact I probably paper hand it way way before the peak on that graph. Funny story the second biggest score I ever made in NFTs was last year about this time on Wolf Game. I had 20 or 25 sheep or something. I had already sold the shitcoin they produced for a very large chunk and then they froze the game. I figured well fuck my sheep are probably worth nothing. Fast forward a month and I am in Thailand in a car driving to a ferry to go to Ko Samui and I see on the discord they are basically reminting the sheep and they will be available to sell. Ok cool. Hopefully they will be worth a decent chunk still. When the market reopened they were selling for about $9,000 each(WTF?). I was sitting in the back of the van losing my mind as the internet failed over and over selling them all as fast as I could.

All that to say if you thought BAYC was going to be worth multiples from half a million dollars or whatever that’s kind of on you. I’m pretty sure all the people in the discord bought their initial BAYC for 4 figures. I never had one and never will.


SBF was the best of crypto bros, so imagine how bad the bad ones are.

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SBF was probably the worst of the crypto bros. I’m not really sure how you can argue otherwise at this point. (maybe my sarcasm meter is broken)

So why do you get so upset when we make fun of it?

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The same reason I have for the last year plus. You are horribly uninformed about the basics of it, have no skin in the game and only show up here to troll when you think what is happening fits the narrative you have been hopelessly wrong about for a decade.

I mean I fundamentally agree crypto is dumb. I just don’t agree it isn’t a good place to make money. I also disagree that the people here are “crypto bros”. I have had a ton of fun with the other members of this place dabbling in it. You come off like a jealous grump.

Lets look at this from the other side. What do you think you have added to the conversation on crypto over thousands of posts? Literally anyone who listened to you lost out on one of the easiest money making situations of the last decade.


For me the biggest problem with BAYC is that I see B-A-Y, and that’s a word. And then I see B-A as the start of an acronym, and in my mind it becomes Bay Area Yacht Club. Every damn time.


Mind blown. I’ve internally been reading it this way forever and I didn’t realize it until this post.

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I’m just glad it’s something I never talk about irl, because I’m absolutely going to say it wrong if I do.

This is a discussion forum. We discuss things.

I’ve called out that it was a mania, while it was still going on, and basically been proven right.

Have you ever taken an L on anything in an internet forum? I’m guessing no.

Proven right on what exactly? If I predict the stock market will crash every day Peter Schiff style for a decade and then one day it does does that make me right?

That huge chunks (IE - all the popular ones of the moment) of crypto are a ponzi scheme. That it was a mania which is now winding down.

BTC and ETH are ponzi schemes? I’m not sure even people on your side of the argument would agree with that. Again you are literally just ignorant on the topic.

You literally got upset and decided to jump in because I was posting stuff about FTX - a literal ponzi scheme.

FTX isn’t a crypto. It’s a business. The fact you are so openly getting off on it is sad.

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Ftx was not a ponzi scheme in any way let alone literally? Pure fraud, sure, but there’s a difference?


while our group was pulling in millions of dollars, he was “proven right” :leolol:

it’s proven, at this point.


Don’t let facts get in the way of what was posted on the motley fool boards in 1999.


embezzlement within a company = the entire industry it exists within is a ponzi scheme