The Crapto Thread

I agree with this.

You will only get people from poor countries to play bad games and farm coins out of desperation. And even then some of them are spending time boosting accounts on good games for $.

You can’t compete in the gaming business if you make shit games. And it takes a lot of money to produce good games now.

activision says hello.

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Don’t they own the call of duty franchise?

half of it, yes, although I would argue that reinforces my point

Well every successful gaming company uses winners to make bank and pumps out a bunch of losers / breakeven to pay the bills.

You cant pump out only bad games and hope people will keep farming tokens.

One of the most loved and critically acclaimed games of the past few years was developed by a loose collective of Estonian D&D nerds living in a squat.

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People will play crappier games for money than for fun. Take poker for example.

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People will even pay to play crappy games. Zynga has raked in billions.

You don’t need to be cranking out massive open world AAA games to be a successful gaming company.

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Right, but those guys knew what they were doing in terms of game design. It’s a tough business, and the odds are stacked against indie games unless they really have a fresh concept.

The odds are stacked against indie anything. Thankfully there are usually enough fools chasing pipe dreams for there to be a success story now and then. It’s only going to take one hit crypto game to change the industry.

Pure guess: disco elysium


goat simulator?

Yeah, that one. The development story of that game is pretty great.

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Poker was so much fun when it was just amongst friends and done casually.

Then I played it to make money, actually became good at it, and then it sucked.


Your new world reserve currency, courtesy of Satan:

Screenshot from 2022-07-28 21-37-48


Anytime you can spend $69 for 7 pictures of toy cars and a chance that you can trade one of the pictures and $7 for shipping for a real toy car, you gotta do it.


Lol they charge $7 for shipping?

Do you want your hot wheel to arrive safely or not?

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