The Crapto Thread

Do a couple interviews too

Well he has $0 because it is just money that will be taken from the bankruptcy trustee I imagine. So itā€™s a farce within a farce

This co-CEO of Alemeda in retrospect look like the dumbest motherfuckers yet so full of themselves intellectually. Its like being a loser poker player with UltimateBet god mode account.

ā€œWe canā€™t ever risk not existing anymore, because our EV in the future is so very highā€ - What a mouthful of dog shit.

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In a way busting Sam loose is effective altruism


Heā€™s the hero we deserve


Also fuck me for having an opinion on this but pretty much all tine travel is stupid/ridiculous and HP universe is no different.

They have enough of the ā€œturn back timeā€ machine for a student to do a few extra classes but then itā€™s magically gone when it would have been REALLY handy to prevent disaster before and after the third book.

Apologies for shitty tangent but someone who was weirdly into Harry Potter in high school more than I should have been.

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Disagree about your hp take, but strongly agree in general. The reason you canā€™t just go back after the tragedy is that you remove your reason for going back. The only way that works is if you go to a new universe each time you time travel and boot out the characters in the new universe.

In PoA, Harry and Hermoine actually go back in time before Sirius is executed. The hippogriff never dies, and the timeline fits with the characters of Harry and Hermoine basically doing an extra loop in their universe. Only ā€œfutureā€ H and H are aware that the hippogriff is alive and sirius is free. ā€œPresentā€ H and H think both happened the entire time, even though it didnt, preserving their motivation to traveling back in time. It implies an exceptionally narrow set of circumstances that you can really change things.

Also they bring back time travel for the play and itā€™s dumb af

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Iā€™ve only seen 2 films approach it with respect to realism.

12 Monkeys and Timecrimes.

primer is the only scientifically realistic time travel movie


More realistic than Timecrimes? You have my attention.

If youā€™re gonna talk realism on going back in time, the person should just appear in the middle of space and die. Because the earth, the solar system and the galaxy were all in different parts of space. Thereā€™s nothing special about your spot on earthā€™s surface from the universeā€™s POV.

But I guess intrinsic in any time travel is also calculating coordinates and doing space travel to the exact spot on the face of the earth where the time traveler begins. But if you can do that, then wouldnā€™t you be able to teleport anywhere on earth, or Mars, or the universe - just by tweaking the coordinates? IE - send me back in time 1 second, but put me on the other side of the galaxy.

Iā€™ve thought about a sci-fi story where someone builds a time machine and decides to test it by going back in time 5 seconds, and winds up a mile into the mantle of the earth, or out in space. Ooops.


Primer is of note for its extremely low budget, experimental plot structure, philosophical implications, and complex technical dialogue, which Carruth, a college graduate with a degree in mathematics and a former engineer, chose not to simplify for the sake of the audience.[4] The film collected the Grand Jury Prize at the 2004 Sundance Film Festival, before securing a limited release in the United States, and has since gained a cult following.[5]


giphy (3)

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I meant relevant to other films. Not sure you could expect more than that. But I also really enjoyed Innerstellar on first watch.

Iā€™ve seen Primer but it has been a minute.

Not a movie, but the TV show Dark was pretty awesome.


Iā€™m the perfect level of baked for this post. A+

Loved Dark but though the last season was lacking compared to the first two. Havenā€™t seen the internet opinion so donā€™t know if that is the normal viewpoint or not.


3rd season was a little overly complex, but still quite good.