The Crapto Thread

My disagreement is more

“Oh magic time machines are all powerful” then they are stored in a way where they are just all gone a year or two later. That aspect never sat well with me.

TImey-wimey stuff done right is fun. I also like travel to alternate universes.

Have not actually read any of this, but familiar enough with adjacent discourse to know that this is kind of the point—story protagonists often do stupid things in service of a good narrative. Part of the didactic point of the work was that you shouldn’t model your actions on fictional heroes, you should ruthlessly exploit whatever edge you have, even if it’s boring reading.

I was legitimately angry in the middle of the last season because I thought it was going completely off the rails and there was no way they would be able to salvage everything and stick the landing. Then they did and I was ashamed for ever having doubted them.

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This is surprising, because I’m pretty sure I’m not paying anything for Bloomberg.

Anyway, his newsletter has a bad link - this is the CFTC complaint that has the description of Ellison revealing to her staff, “Oops, we’re a fraud. Sorry!”.

I think that’s the normal viewpoint. I feel like this speaks more to the strength of S1-2 though. Like there are some objectively mind blowing moments in S3 but they don’t really come across that way because your mind is already melted from that one moment in S2. And as a show built around time travel it ends impressively with everything explained. Beyond the obvious impossibility of traveling through time to begin with. Also I don’t think they ever said how that bracelet ended up in the cave which bothers me more than it should.

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Lot of buzz on Twitter these past few days about Nostr, a potential Twitter killer, but also a fully decentralized thing that works without tokens or blockchains.



Well let’s hope they sold early enough and dont have to resort to putting nukes in the blockchain :scream:

lol wtf

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“Sometimes there’s this sense that the fact that they profited that much is somehow terrible, and I just don’t think that’s the case,” said Betsy Duke, a former Federal Reserve governor who chaired Wells Fargo’s board until 2020. “About everything you could throw at the financial system has been thrown at it in the last 10 years. These banks have not just survived but they’ve actually thrived.”

“you might look at these numbers and think the banks made too much money, but actually they did a great job because they made a lot of money” - a banker


Sounds like Wells Fargo was making enough money there was no need for it to open fraudulent accounts in its customers’ names!

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Geez those guys can’t seem to catch a break.

