The Crapto Thread

Is this serious? And I mean that seriously. Do you want me to explain all the ways you are being taken advantage of? I’m happy to if you really don’t know.

Is this your first interaction with danby



I mean there haven’t been a lot but BANKS HAVE NEVER TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF ME is such a loaded post I don’t even know where to start tbh. I assume it can’t be real.

Well please tell me.

My 2.79% rate I pay is usury right?

Banks are a way to funnel money to the top 1%. I can explain in more detail if we really need to. But being a corporate drone for a bank is not some undertaking that is on the up and up. You aren’t SBF level but you also are literally stealing from your customers to pay for your boss’s yachts.

Do you think they did it out of charity? What interest rate do you think they borrowed the money from to lend to you on a more than fully secured loan for your house? Why do you think Riverman and the others get to drink out of the trough of your labor every month when you make your mortgage payment for doing basically nothing?

In a just world couldn’t you literally just borrow directly from the Fed for zero markup with the rate being roughly your estimated default risk?


man you’re too easy to set off sometimes

Dude you are also the master of projection. I am in about 1/20th of the amount of these altercations as you.

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lol fair, also lol at letting danby’s post rope you into any response at all.

Why do they need to do it out of charity? I don’t work for free either?

Banks don’t just sit there and do nothing. Go look at their financial statements of all the fixed costs involved in running a bank.

They have to fund money losing operations like branches.
They process payment transactions for you for free.
They set up online payment direct payment systems which they charge nothing for.
They guarantee fraud lost on your accounts.

Maybe we should have a Talk About Capitalism. It that currently allowed here? I know it was verboten for awhile

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We pay for a central bank already out of our taxes. Why do we need all of the middle guy banks full of scam artists? They literally just package up the free money they get from the fed and send it out +2-5% to you and I. Why are they entitled to that?

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I assume it’s allowed at the moment :rofl:

Also interested in discussing this as this isn’t really crypto related but more why the general US banking industry/economy is a similar scam.


Are you accusing him of trolling or of him being unworthy of a reply?

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I’m drinking a 9% imperial stout called Shadow Magic. Maybe more on topic for the Twitter thread with that name, but I think the brewery’s description is actually a thinly veiled “have fun staying poor” reference.

Inspired by the traditional foreign extra stout style, this dark ale brings deep, rich, malty chocolate flavor and a velvet-smooth body from the addition of oats and roasted wheat. Go beyond light and embrace the darkness.

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because helping people is nice

final answer