The Crapto Thread

Always have appreciated your posting. Hope the beer treats you well!

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Shoulda seen his snatch form :hot_face:

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Freddbird was (is?) a powerlifter and olympic-style lifter. His 2p2 avatar was of that.

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Friendlybird and I used to post in health & fitness forum back when on 22. Unless my memory is faulty his oly lifts were extremely aesthetically pleasing.

Parlayslow, iirc, had a really clean deadlift as well


Time for a Banks are Good, Actually thread. I think debate is allowed now thanks to the absentee staff.


Shh the mods are asleep, itā€™s time for:

[x] Left leaning
[x] Rigorous debate
[x] A little fun


You need a middle man to build the entire infrastructure of payment systems and money transfers between individuals, and businesses and to run it.

If trillions of dollars need to trade hands every day, how do you suppose we do this if banks donā€™t exist.

Please donā€™t say bitcoin solves this.

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Damn very impressive @freddbird . Iā€™ve watched a few of the obvious lifting docs. The thing that always impresses me the most is the dedication with the diet. I donā€™t think I could stick to an eating regimen. Too much of a type that just eats whatever sounds good at the moment. Which is a bad habit in lots of ways.

Tell me why the middle man needs to be literally millions of mostly white men who all take their cut as they go along vs a centralized system?

No bitcoin(unregulated) does not solve this.

elite ninja edit

i had that joke insta-chambered but you outdrew me

I would join in with the beer drinking posts with some fun craft beer post, but I have 15 days sober and a strong will to live. And Iā€™m just now no longer anemic from what sent me to the hospital for a blood transfusion, coincidentally* also 15 days ago.

*not coincidentally


I think its more rate driven than recession driven so far.

Have been in basically a decade long back and forth with the booze. Itā€™s hard. Hang in there. Do the best you can and try not to beat yourself up to much if things donā€™t go the way you intend.


I was gonna edit that to ā€œand abrupt fed policy and outlook change led to relative whipsaw rate changes (anything away from cheap money forever is gonna feel like a whipsaw) led us to a pre-recession and this is reflected in risk-on assets taking a hitā€ but figured people would know what I meant. Youā€™re right though, we havenā€™t seen the feedback loop yet and hopefully wonā€™t.

If you replaced those millions of white men with millions of brown women I donā€™t think the essence of the banks will change that much. Maybe less racism against black borrowers and businesses?

we need to maintain a bourgeois parasite class to allow individuals and businesses to transfer units of value. only they can perform the rituals and incantations necessary to keep our great society from falling into anarchy and despair


Today or over the last 100 years?

Ahh yes some wisdom from William B. Fuckley.

We need a crypto version of the WE GOT HIM gif

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