I always assume most vegans are fibbing a bit about it and I really don’t care. Food cravings can be crazy powerful, especially when it’s some nutrient your body really needs. You say you’re vegan but you sneak in some ice cream once in awhile? Totally fine imo.
Vegan does not automatically mean healthy.
I know a guy who has convinced his long time girlfriend that he’s vegan (she is as well) and is a massive human, when he’s not around her he eats a regular diet. I’ve always figured she must be suspicious of him.
Then you weren’t paying attention.
FTX was really damn close to a ponzi. Complaining that it’s not exactly a ponzi is kinda ridiculous.
Definitely looks like a place an altruist would live
Question about the polycule.
Were they just all banging each other indiscriminately or were they paired off and just living in the same place. The descriptions I’ve read suggest the latter, but that doesn’t seem like it qualifies as a polycule to me.
Sounds more like one on one - but with constantly shifting hierarchies. Like Fleetwood Mac basically, but 10 of them.
Seems like nerdy girl saw herself as the alpha female, and enjoyed having her partners fight for position on her hierarchy. Unethical polyamory.
Wait, wat? If she was the alpha, I’m real curious about the rest of the lineup.
Same. But her status would come from being Sam’s #1 and head of Sequoia, not her hotness.
Morgan Freeman voice: “And in the end, the immutable infallible blockchain was taken down by… a simple Excel spreadsheet.”
I get that. I just don’t believe that hotness plays zero role in the hierarchy.
In that crew I wouldn’t be surprised.
*Like I know shit about billionaire polycules. I’m just talking out of my ass for fun.
But he drives a Corolla!