The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

His facial expression at the end looks like Don Jr

It’s not going to be a horrible Biden presidency. We’ll get the virus under control, basically no major legislation passes, and the economy starts humming again. At which point people will decide that we need to trash all that and get Republicans in to fuck it all up again.


Benghaaaaaazi tho. Who knows what made up shit we will be dealing with by 2024.

Benghazi didn’t really win Republicans much. It’ll just be racism.


It outlaws anonymous shell companies, which is his whole livelihood since those money laundering shell companies are who buy most of his property units


I don’t know why anyone could be confident that Pence have the courage to do what we think the law demands. There are literally millions of people in this country that currently believe the law demands that Pence give the election to Trump. Trump
Has surrounded himself with craven sycophants, they have no spine and no integrity. I think anyone that is confident about how this will play out, especially if the basis of their confidence is some common interpretation of the details of election law, is delusional.

230 kills the internet

Repealing is horrible and nobody actually wants it other than lawyers

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Fuck around and find out

If they want Washington DC to burn to the ground

Have at it.


will be dancing on his grave when this fucker passes

They’re going to need one of these at his grave…

And you’ll be dancing in puddles of piss.


Yeah a massive revolt might so this country good.

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Biden presidency will be fine. There’s no black guy in the White House this go around. Biden knows this, which is why he thinks he can get the GOP to work with him. GOP also knows this, which is why they can’t run on racism like they did in 2016. I mean, they’ll come up with something but I don’t think it will galvanized the right like hating on Obama did.

Like look at all the crap going on with Trump since the election. It’s about Trump. It’s not about how bad Biden will be.

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If Republicans keep the Senate there will be no more stimulus which is going to be super bad. There is going to be a ton of suffering and economic tanking under Biden when there is no more help for people

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I mean, Germany turned out OK eventually, too.

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Took a bunch of Stronger countries to bitch slap them. There are no countries to stop us. Even close

But there is a black woman. Arguably way worse for the racist, sexist bigots of the Republican party.


They don’t even have a sweet summer child to put them in check. :joy:
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