2020 Election Thread 3: Bernie Memes

Every one of them should be executed. Not even joking. These clowns do this because they aren’t held accountable.


For the 2004 objection Boxer specifically said she didn’t want to overturn the results and only wanted to have a discussion about voter suppression in Ohio.


Hawley conveniently left that fact out in is retelling of the events. I’m sure that’s a shocker to everyone.

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I think it tracks to where you live. Just outside my bunker aka “WAAF Mountain Retreat”, its rampant, like everywhere. Regardless, shit’s gonna be lit next week. Avoid DC IMO.


While none of it is true , the Trump legal team claims that there are indeed competing slates of electors. If one of these documents, however fraudulent it might be, finds its way onto Pence’s desk on January 6, Pence would have to read it. That’s what the law suggests.

Therefore, assuming (1) an objection is made to a state’s electoral vote (will certainly happen), (2) that the fraudulent and counterfeit electoral slates find their way to Pence’s desk (unlikely, but possible), and that (3) both chambers disagree on what to do with the results (unlikely, but possible), the result certification would fall on the state’s Governor.

Kinda want this to happen now so kemp can call Georgia for biden a 7th time.


Yea that would be amazing. Trump still loses all the contested states in that scenario.


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anyone who says “we live in a democratic republic” instantly gets 100% discredited and I immediately stop reading



As NBZ pointed out it’s not that hard to figure out why.

And as Stim also foreshadowed, it begins.


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if you thought Lin Wood wasn’t going to get more nuts, well you were wrong

he’s calling for the arrests of Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell for treason

and also Jeffrey Epstein is alive


Amazing that Sidney Powell makes Giuliani seem normal and sane, and Lin Wood makes Powell seem normal and sane.



I mean where do you start with this other than laughing

So what is Twitters excuse for not banning this guy?

Ad revenue?

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So it’s the US, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Good company!

I thought we live in a beautiful world.

Lin Wood, you will remember, was Sandmann’s lawyer who extracted a bigleague undisclosed settlement with CNN in the great smirkening of 2019.


*settlement was not big