2020 Election Thread 3: Bernie Memes

I mean, you could see a universe where they find a super-trumpy district court judge and somehow time it just right so that they get an injunction on like January 6th at 6 am or something without time for a higher court to act. Really really unlikely. But I guess possible. I mean the whole thing is a political question and clearly not justiciable, but you never know.



how has he not told his patriots they can book a room at 25% discount for his inauguration yet

he’s gonna pull a lukashenko and inaugurate in secret


I’m shocked, shocked trump was wrong and signature matching didn’t overturn the georgia results and now biden has won GA for the fifth or a hundredth time now i’ve lost count.


2 x 15,000 is 30,000. Now extrapolate that to the whole state!


lol trump would totally tweet that

Yeah, but you extend that two out to all of Georgia…

I mean, Trump may have won by 1.2 million votes in Georgia

That doesn’t apply to every ballot in GA, it’s just absentees.

So the entirety of Cobb would be 20 votes if we literally extrapolated. all of GA wouldn’t be enough to overturn.

All of GA (Biden votes only) is like 330 votes lol

The inaccuracy came from a wife who signed her name to ballots for both her and her husband, the Secretary of State said.

Shouldn’t that be just one inconsistency?

She signed his name to hers and her name to his?

I don’t know if the internet needs a sarcasm font or if people need better sarcasm detectors (and I may easily be the one missing your sarcasm).

Maybe. But SoS is saying she signed her name twice according to the article.

I’m just going to assume the MAGA response is that such a low number is obviously a lie and proof that there is an on-going cover-up. Time for them to bear arms and invade the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to find the real truth.




I can see that second part being true

The vast majority of GOP primary winners being people who claim 2020 was won by Trump is definitely a likely outcome


lol, it’s not gong to take years for this to happen.

When I attended a hypnotist show–you know the kind where audience volunteers are brought on stage, put under, and then made fools of–they selected the volunteers by asking those that were interested to follow a series of increasingly conforming instructions in order to identify the most malleable subjects.

All the GOPers(except Kasich iirc) that have run for the party nomination have already stood on stage and proudly raised their hands at debates when asked if they think climate change is fake. They will absolutely do the same when asked if the 2020 election was stolen from Trump.

The pump has been primed, and the audience will have expectations that must be met. Sure, it’s all theater, but any candidate that doesn’t play along will have ruined the show. At this point GOP politicians careers aren’t ended by sex scandals, bungling government response to disasters, or robbing the public in order to enrich the oligarchs. No, the only unforgivable sin is breaking kayfabe.


So the most insane deplorable I know just posted that Arizona has flipped to Trump, and PA/GA/WI as soon to follow. Also Ukraine released bank statements showing millions in direct payments to Biden. Just thought I’d give you all a heads up that Trump actually won.

Joking aside, at what point should I report this guy for a mental health evaluation? He’s got to be a danger to himself or others living in such an alternate reality.