The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

He’s just trolling and everyone knows it. If he remains majority leader we will all do well to completely tune out, he’s even worse for my mental health than Trump.


Doesn’t really matter, Biden already said he’s not going to move the embassy back to Tel Aviv.

I’m sure a mega billionaire is always in the market for a sweet house in a country he visits a lot.

Kind of looking forward to the Christian v Trumper battle inside the GOP in 2024.

There is certainly a broad bit of overlap but there is some real tension there once trump is gone.


2015 agrees, this is a big deal!

You beat me to it. If Mitch isn’t trolling he is seriously mentally ill.

They recently gave one trillion dollar tax cut/tax break to rich people “to help the economy”. Now in the midst of the worst pandemic in over 100 years, he is deadset against substantive aid to help out people in this time of dire need (that would be “socialism for rich people”).

Dog whistles and more dog whistles.

They need to bring back dueling.




A human would inquire if their target was on the call before shouting at them.




If the guy in the white shirt and bluejeans is pissing in Adelson’s pool, I’m close to neutral on the sale.


Mr. Trump is putting his loyal VP in a terrible spot, and what do Republicans think would happen if Mr. Pence pulled the trigger, Mr. Biden was denied 270 electoral votes, and the House chose Mr. Trump as President? Riots in the streets would be the least of it.

Mr. Pence is too much of a patriot to go along, but the scramble to overturn the will of the voters tarnishes Mr. Trump’s legacy and undermines any designs he has on running in 2024.

I guess they wrote this for Pence to read so he doesn’t get any ideas?

Also all the articles I’ve read don’t say that he can’t do it but that it’s not gonna happen.

The workings of the Electoral College were refined by the 12th Amendment, which says that the Vice President shall “open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted.” Where does that language give Mr. Pence unilateral authority to set aside electors? This can’t be what the Founders wanted.

What’s to prevent SCOTUS from ruling that since it doesn’t say that he can’t then it’s all good.

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We are so fucked as a country. The next time the GOP gets both houses of Congress in a presidential year, it’s curtains.


Does Mitch ever do interviews with hard questions? It seems like he never does any interviews at all really. Just Trump and press sec lying their asses off.

Listening to that podcast about voting patterns seems like that’ll be soon because they have such a massive advantage in the electoral college and gerrymandered house. I think they take it all in 2024 after a horrible biden presidency

They won’t have a massive advantage in the EC. It’s not that large a shift.

Gerrymandering house is maybe ten seats but that’s enough to flip it and make it tough to retake.

How “horrible” can it be though after four years of Trump? Step one is to succeed in getting the virus under control, and I think a Democratic Administration has a much better chance of doing that than Trump did. That said, I think its possible that a Republican could win in 2024. But if that happens, I think it’ll be from the contagiousness of the crazy, rather than being turned off by Biden.

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