The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Yeah Pence has no chance in 2024 lmao wtf. They didn’t even really like him before him not doing the whole Pence card shit, now they will hate him


From the ABC article linked by Rhodes

1)“In Israel, the sale price listed by the tax authority almost always matches the actual sale price, but in exceptional cases — for example, when a property is gifted to someone — the two may differ”

2)“The buyer was selected solely on the basis that they submitted the highest offer,” it added, without saying how many bids were made or identifying any of the potential buyers.”

3)“The State Department had earlier said it would continue to lease the property until spring 2021, without specifying how much it would pay in rent. But on Tuesday it said there was “no provision for a leaseback with rent payment.”

So, in addition to the issue that the sale makes it harder to reverse the embassy decision, I’d also like to know a bit more about the bidding process and the terms of the leaseback provision (if it in fact exists).

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So far. Until the U.S. buys it back for double during the Biden admin.


Pence was added as running mate in 2016 back when Republicans were under the impression that a terrible fluke had occurred, that Trump was just a tiger that had gotten out of his cage, that normal was what the majority of their voters wanted, and therefore Pence could come across as a steady hand and a Christian leader who would appeal to Trump’s better angels.

Four years later, I don’t know how anyone could think that “back to normalcy” is what Republicans are looking for. It’s an extremely small percentage of Republicans who long for the time when Mitt Romney could be their standard-bearer. Pence is a mediocre candidate who appeals to a constituency that only barely exists anymore.


Plus he uses a Discover Card.



Imagine Pence up against a field of Marco Rubio, Don Jr., Ted Cruz, Nikki Haley, Tom Cotton, Chris Christie, Rand Paul and Larry Hogan. I think he’s drawing live in that scenario.

The MAGA guys don’t want that, but the donor class guys absolutely do. I see Pence as someone who could do a better job than Romney at getting the base on board.

OFC, I agree he doesn’t stand much of a chance if Tucker Carlson or Don Jr. decides to run.

Yeah, exactly. And no way he gets picked as Trump’s VP in 2024. But being VP is still a win for Pence, he gets the pension and I’m sure he’ll get a mid six figure sinecure from Fox or some think tank or lobbying group. And dude needs it, he’s only worth a million bucks. Sad!

First time anyone used the word “live” to describe Pence. :joy:

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Pence will carry the TRAITOR label for the rest of his life after he approves the Biden EC victory. The base will never, ever forgive him for betraying Donnie Dumb Dumb.


ginger ale seems waaaaay too spicy for pence, this has to be fake, dude is 100% a milk guy


Assuming there are multiple objections - each lasting a while, perhaps Pence’s plan is to show up, support the objections, but then leave for his vacation before he has to certify. Might allow him to walk that tight-rope between the deplorables and the establishment. The true believers will still hate him for not stealing the election, but maybe it works and they direct their hatred for the Senators that voted to certify.

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I was absolutely stunned that he ordered a chipotle chicken sandwich.


Nah, he’s lactose intolerant. He’s on vacation. A ginger ale is definitely living the life for him.


he’ll start out as leading the polls and get quickly jeb’d

( twitter | raw text )

Ned: Oh, can you believe it? It almost seemed like those folks were making fun of old Steady Neddy.
Maude: Well, you may be a bit cautious but what’s wrong with that? Some people like chunky peanut butter, some like smooth.
Ned: And some people just steer clear of that whole hornet’s nest. I’ll stick with just plain white bread thank you very much, maybe with a…
Maude, Rod and Todd: Glass of water on the side for dippin’!


is that sheldon addleson’s plane? the paint job looks just like the Sands 747SP

ETA: oh it says that right in the tweet, I am very intelligent


Now a 1.9% tax cut on income over 250k and the ability to write off 100% of private jet use, THAT’S a much more effective way to get help to families who actually need it