The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

What’s a BC assessment?

12.5% tip is exactly what I’d expect from a guy like Pence, good news is it’ll be an undemanding table.

Also, if this was takeout that was a perfectly fine tip.

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I think we’re on solid ground to challenge Pence’s signature on a mail-in ballot. What does that squiggle have to do with the name Michael Pence?

Imagine being down for this whole disgraceful griftathon and being the only dope not leaving with a pile of cash. LOL Mike Pence.


The BC assessment seems to be some sort of assessment from the town of Beaver Creek, which is where the Coyote Cafe is located.

Eh, Mike Pence went from being a nobody back-bencher in Indiana to being VP and a potential 2024 nominee. He’s gotten a pretty sweet deal out of this ride.

I thought this was probably some other Mike Pence but it turns out Pence is actually in CO right now.

i don’t think i’ve ever seen customer name under the place for signature like that. makes me think it could be faked to dunk on pence

Knowing nothing else. The fact that you made this post means that’s exactly what happened.

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I think this depends on how the merchant sets things up in their system.

His wife is literally named 'Karen". It’s probably not an undemanding table. She probably sent the ginger ale back because it had too much ice.


Weird, he’s on vacation right now and has a trip to Europe and the Middle East planned to start immediately after the Electoral College confirmation next week, I think he’s trying to avoid his boss.

Honestly, Pence is well-positioned to sell himself as a kind of “back to normalcy” candidate for 2024. He can sell himself to the Trumpers as an early MAGA loyalist while also being presentable enough for the NYT to gush over him as being a return back to the sensible Republican party of George W Bush.

No beach trips and no snowboarding trips and these mofos are out all over the place.


Pence would be a great candidate for a transition from a “cult of personality” to a cult of no personality.


Just from years of waiting tables, evangelicals are generally not demanding, very nice, and tip 10-15%.

Groups of teachers are the worst for some reason. Restaurant workers and businessmen are the best.


I’ve seen it a bunch, possibly more than not. Seems super standard imo. Also Pence is the exact type of person I’d expect to tip poorly or not at all. Story checks out.

Plus Pence is usually the big tipper when he’s hanging around with Trump.

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I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that if Kamala Harris had left that shitty tip Mr.Keeeeed would be clowning on her.


Strongly disagree with this, the MAGA chuds feel nothing for Pence, he inspires absolutely no one, his justified reputation is as a weak cuck loser, he’s going nowhere. Dude should just load up on no show board appointments or whatever, he’s never getting close to this much power ever again.


I am siding with riverman here. Pence is going to get some gig in some Christian conservative office of some type.

I really don’t think he wants to be president. But we will see.

No Kemp vs No Pence 2024.