The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces


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This caused me to imagine a scenario where Trump had his own Meechum and it’s quite disturbing.


No worries! Biden has his own Meacham that plays by his own rules.


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I’m not sure why this is objectionable? Like, Sheldon is objectionable, moving the embassy to Jerusalem is objectionable, but having done that, yeah you’re going to sell the ambassador’s former residence in Tel Aviv. Rich idiot Sheldon Adelson wants to pay 67 million for it? Fine, who cares. Unless the argument is that Sheldon payed too little for the residence and got a sweetheart deal?

Mortal lock of the century.

I mean he paid 67 million dollars for it. That’s a lot for a house, even with a fence!

Yes, it’s a pretty sick house, admittedly. But they have to demonstrate that the sale was unfair. Unless the objection is something else. And the pod bro was pretty much just saying, sold the ambassador’s house to Adelson. Bad!



It’s objectionable because it makes it more difficult for future administrations to move the embassy back, which is almost certainly why it was done.


Increased life expectancy is a non-trivial factor in these assholes hoarding truly obscene amounts of money.

If you look at someone like Sheldon Adelson or Warren Buffet, a huge majority of their wealth has been generated in their 80s. Not too long ago Buffett was worth like $20 billion, now it is well over $100 billion, compounding matters bigly.


Sure, but that has nothing to do with selling it to Adelson.

No? Of course not? That’s my point?

Who is going to buy that house. Some rich asshole.

Sounds legit. It would only be a conflict if the guy buying it was Trump’s biggest donor.

It’s a huge conflict of interest. But you already knew that.

Where did that $67 million go?

By the way the ambassadors house is worth like three times the embassy itself.

Of course Trump said he was going to build an embassy for $250k. That is why he got elected? He is an expert builder and can cut costs. It was only 100x more than Trump said.

Besides Adelson being best buds with Trump and Netanyahu by selling it it makes it harder for the US to move the embassy back.

Apparently this was the most expensive home sale ever in Israel.

Anyone know url for Israel Zillow?


Remember pence’s wife all upset about not having a dress for the ball. Apparently pence has been doing it all wrong and right grift Indiana properly of he might have a really bad coke problem.