The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Lets say Bernie won the 2016 nomination and then pulled the same numbers as Clinton. Then lets say all the Russia stuff comes out before inauguration. Now lets say Bernie holds this weird ceremony where he gets sworn in in Vermont. (I know none of this would happen obviously). What percentage of people on this forum support a move like that?

stop giving me nightmares!

That second one has to be pretty much a heat map of racism.

In retrospect, Missouri and Ohio were only bellwethers for all those years because racists were in unions and maybe there was still a tiny bit of that “never vote for a Republican ever” hangover among the very olds. SE Missouri is literally the South - comical accent and everything.

And there are other outlets than Twitter like daily press briefings, etc.

Twitter isn’t an essential service that must be maintained even if used to cause death and violence.

I gave up on OH an MO long ago, but we need some kind of Berlin Airlift for TX and GA. If GA and TX go the way of VA over the next 15 years there can be actual structural, constitutional reform.

Trump’s stupidity is very predictable (also I ponied NBZ by months).


As 3400 people die of covid, Tucker has finally acknowledged our “national shame”

I mean, I’m kind of curious is Biden’s dissertation is in fact riddled with typos and math errors. That would be pretty embarrassing. But man, have some perspective.

No surprise, but it’s going to be an insane 4 years of hypocritical faux-outrage and nitpicking from these numbskulls.


FoxNews is so much back in their happy place.


Worthless hypothetical that only serves your pathological need to punch left


Wait is this not real?

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Did this Stepien press release not trigger anybody else’s bullshit detector? It’s 2020 so anything goes, but that can’t be real. Can it?

Main source seems to be this story, and even that calls it a “press release that has not been verified with the campaign.”

It looks like an email sent out by the campaign

Yea it’s fake from what I saw on twitter about it

I assumed it as fake purely because it’s dated yesterday and if true we would have seen it then not just now.

Jill Biden did the Ben Ghazi didn’t she

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“Mail in voting will destroy conservatism.” -Lady G.

I followed Trolly’s link to a National Review article on it. There were some extra commas, an instance of “undeserved” instead of “underserved,” and flipping a rise and a drop, if we take the quotes in the article as gospel, as I didn’t read the original text. THE HORROR.

I’m assuming she predates computers and that every dissertation pretty much hit that level of editing back then?

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Does anyone on UP have the first name Duncan? I hope not.