The College Protest Thread: Countdown to Kent State 2.0

Back in the long before time of 2+2 times in the great war against the anarcho-capitalists, people would talk about wanting to hand out free ponies (i.e. the state doing anything)

It became a joke about “your pony is slow” because people would make the same pony point.

Now it’s an injoke here, when you repeat something or share something that is already been shared, people will make some variation on the joke about your pony “doing something linked to the topic”

You’ll see it a lot now.


Bill’s take on the protests.

cliffs: get a jerb, you privileged hypocrites

Fixed your cliffs: Don’t watch Bill Maher


This a week after his main new rule segment was whining about Ron Desantis being right about the threat of LGBT people.

He likes to say “I’ve never changed, its the people who have changed” but hes a fucking liar, except for the fact that he will debase himself at any time to any group that is willing to throw money at him and tell him he’s a good boy, so maybe he hasn’t changed at all.

Nice, then he ends it with “But do you condemn Hamas.”

Just a fucking parody of himself at this point.

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My alma mater Indiana University is going to shit. I know Indiana doesn’t have a strong reputation, but IU is different - this is a Big Ten R1, top 10 business school, incredible arts program, etc. etc.

After I left the university, the Indiana government replaced 6/9 (not nice) of the trustees with altright activists. One of their first things was to install an authoritarian head. They have been following the Florida model where they eliminate all diversity initiatives, prioritize the “right” students and try to turn the university into a copy of state politics.

The petition also accused the IU administration of failing to “proactively and effectively stand against the Indiana legislature’s violations of academic freedom and faculty protections.” Recently, Indiana’s Republican-controlled legislature passed, and its Republican governor signed, legislation diminishing diversity, equity and inclusion programs and tenure protections in the state’s public higher education institutions.

IU leaders were also criticized in the petition for not publicly supporting Dr. Caitlin Bernard, the IU assistant professor who provided an abortion to a 10-year-old Ohioan in 2022 after Ohio banned abortion six weeks into pregnancy. Bernard shared that story shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, and it attracted national attention from President Biden, among others—along with public doubts from conservatives about whether it happened and backlash from Indiana attorney general Todd Rokita, a Republican.

During the recent protests the admin began punishing people who spoke out:

The first reference was to the university’s barring of Abdulkader Sinno, an associate professor, from teaching this spring and summer after he booked space on campus for a Palestine Solidarity Committee-hosted event. Docherty wrote Sinno’s suspension letter, which said he might also be fired following continued investigation. The second incident mentioned was IU Bloomington’s cancellation of a long-planned art exhibition by Samia Halaby, a Palestinian-American abstract artist. Both of these incidents occurred after Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

Now with students putting tents up in a public space all hell has broken loose.

100 students milling around on the grass, a national security threat

The admin called in the state police forces and authorized full authority to do whatever they want, including arrests which have resulted in 2 teachers and dozens of students being automatically banned from campus destroying their lives and careers.

There are now snipers on top of the student union building.

Tactical combat cops

Cops slugging students in the head that couldn’t hurt an 80 year old grandma in a fight

I’m so fucking mad right now


So what’s with the Avatar?

IU is PhD, Pitt is undergrad

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Looks like in AZ destruction of personal property over $1K (It would only take a few of those tents to reach that threshhold) is a class 6 felony punishable by up to a year in a prison.

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Good lesson for anyone at a protest (and I will be at one later today)…counterprotestors doing something like this are likely to be cops and if you get in their way you’re probably going to get mauled by the police.


UCLA encampment is probably 100 tents and people drumming and chanting. There’s a line to get into their area and you’re supposed to promise not to fight or something. You can see everything from outside the barricades anyway. There are plenty of police and security in the area, but they are all just on bikes and no riot gear or weapons out. That is why this event is not a riot, because they police are not rioting. There are Jews here wearing kippot.


Cops not so chill in Ohio

Well, at least it wasn’t Pitt. I assume like most people, you are generally more connected to undergrad than grad, even if the latter is more years.

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Lol at showing up at any of this shit where the cops are looking to score a free kill on you for any reason.