The Chris Dorner Shootings and Manhunt

I see that. I also think a lot of abolish folks think ACAB and want to straight up murder cops, and the more moderate voice (within the movement) doesn’t have the balls to tell them to fuck off and grow up.

They don’t care about branding. They just want everyone to say they’re right.

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Maybe a “defund the police” message will induce cops to over-react against protesters and cause them to do things that will increase the number of people who believe ACAB.

Accelerationism, ah yes. Always a well thought out strategy.

That’s how the civil rights movement operated, creating a target for someone like Bull Connor to aim hoses at.

The idea is to force people who would prefer to remain apolitical to decide just how far they are willing to go to defend the status quo. In theory, you wear down their will until they acquiesce.

Maybe they decide they can live with injustice and inequality…but maybe, eventually, the decide that they can’t. To have a chance at that, those that want change have to be willing to grind it out and play the long game, not letting things like short-term elections deter them from long-term goals.

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A lot of them want to straight up murder cops? Is this just a gut feeling? Or are you able to share which abolish folks you’ve spoken to, or read, or organized with that have led you to believe this?

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Scientific Twitter research.

That’s not me. I’m not a big guillotiner. You must be thinking about Riverman.

Abolishing Bull Connor polled wayyyyy better by 1965 among the persuadable shitlibs that make decisions than Abolishing the Police (all of them) polls today among the power broker shitlibs.

Bull Connor actually hurt the economic welfare of the power elite. Similar, in a way, to business owners revulsion to Plessy.

See also: NBA caring A LOT about BLM, and also not so much about Uighurs.

To wit:

No idea what this means.

I think he’s saying the DSA are furtively making some major inroads.

Or he’s comparing the DSA to Three Percenters.


I think this is fair, but the center of this forum is to the left of the general population and is much more anti-cop. If you can’t win them over with your arguments then frankly you need to work on your arguments (assuming any intent to actually persuade your average man on the street, which should be even harder).

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It’s not really a fair fight, the general population’s view of cops is shaped by decades and decades of pop culture.


The class of people here on average is less likely than average to have negative interactions with the criminal justice system and has more property to protect than average. Tough crowd imo even if they are more willing to consider other people’s interests than conservatives.

And I have influenced some people here (I’ve been told so directly) (and some people here have influenced me) but don’t expect most people to agree with me.


That’s a good point.

I have had exactly one interaction with a cop in the past decade, and it basically made me hate cops, lol. It’s like the opposite of racism - meeting people from other cultures makes you not hate them, meeting cops makes you hate them.

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I’ve had several negative interactions with law enforcement. Turns out being a poor white male is bad, just not as bad as it would be if you were black (if you were black it would be 400-500% worse)

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