The Chris Dorner Shootings and Manhunt

Would it have been easier or harder to get you on team abolish back when you were poor?

And, though I’ve said f the police plenty and talked about averages and tendencies, I don’t hate cops. It’s the system. The evil is not quite as banal as it is for the citizen who accepts the system without question, but it’s more banal than it is raging psychotics.

Many, if not most, cops are nice people who mean well and honestly think they are making the world a better place.

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I’m on team defund now believe me. My version of reform is basically as drastic as what team abolish wants.

The CJ system was designed to keep nonwhite and poor people out of the ‘nice’ neighborhoods not to chase down predators. I’m in favor of not letting people prey on other people, I’m not in favor of oppressing poor people and nonwhites. I don’t think the current police forces have any viable route to becoming the anti predator force we need.

I mean they give people an IQ test as part of police recruitment and the cut people who score too highly. That’s not a good plan for catching people who are committing crimes on an industrial scale and have put real effort into figuring out how to not get caught as they do it.

Basically we need a much smaller much more elite police force that only goes after major felonies being committed by people who commit a lot of felonies. We do not need armed thugs driving around poor neighborhoods licking their chops watching the normies hoping someone fucks up in plain sight so they can hit their arrest numbers.

Less than 5% of current cops are qualified to serve in the police force we actually need.

And yes obviously we should legalize everything with commercial scale demand. Giving criminals entire industries to run is a great way to produce insanely corrupt government officials, murders, and disregard for the law by common citizens. There should be way fewer laws which are rigorously enforced on everyone regardless of social class.

I’m also very unhappy with the way we pay and organize cops. If there was ever an occupation that needed high pay and no job security it’s cops. Instead they have unions, which might be the dumbest use of unions ever.


This is not necessarily an either/or though. The cops themselves are shaped by the system and I think a not negligible number of them are effectively raging psychos because that’s what the system demands of them. Of note - they have a choice to opt out of the policing business. So I’m not letting them off the hook.

It’s a bit of a Milgram experiment.

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There’s no way forward with the current cops. I don’t think anyone has put forward a viable path where the people who are currently part of the rotten to the core current police model could be rehabilitated into effective law enforcement officers.

We need to defund the current police departments and fund entirely new law enforcement institutions. Law enforcement institutions that are designed to make the public safer from real dangerous criminals. Less order and more law basically. Order is created through culture not through force anyway.

I can’t think of anything worse for order than prohibition of types of businesses with massive demand actually. Attitudes toward the sanctity of rule of law have been softening since the 18th amendment got passed.


The best we can hope for is some mild defunding and moving some money and services into responding to some kinds of calls with social workers and such instead of police and that’s happening a little bit and it’s entirely thanks to people who are saying abolish and burned down the police station in Minneapolis and no thanks at all to reformers who want to spend more money training cops.


Pretty sure he’s not making a statement about DSA and just making one of Carter who is a big Twitter user who was coincidentally involved in a “plagiarism scandal” lol. Don has some very odd but interesting humor and some of his stuff is in reference to extremely online twitter things

Yea I was shocked when I found out being a cop doesn’t even crack top 20 of the most dangerous jobs.

Cite? Other than lol Robert Jordan from 20 years ago.

Gonna need a Law and Order: Internal Affairs show.

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