The Chris Dorner Shootings and Manhunt

Also before Dorner (a large Black guy) was killed, the cops shot two old Hispanic ladies who were delivering newspapers they mistook for him because they were in a truck that looked very little like Dorner’s near some place that he theoretically might have been. There were no charges filed for that.


They didn’t just shoot those hispanic old ladys delivering newspapers in an unrelated car, they shot their wrong car dozens and dozens of times. And didn’t even kill them. Because they were incompetent morons.

This was before they set that dude’s house on fire, with him inside, then lied about it.

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I think it is possible – even likely – that the police would have been enthusiastically looking for Dorner even if he had been a slightly built white man. Obviously the police should have been more prudent in hunting for the heavily armed spree killer but, come on, don’t make it out like Dorner was some sort of wronged victim. He murdered four people!

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Dorner reported a bad cop to his superiors and was repeatedly ignored. He got fed up with the system. He wasn’t some dude that just violently snapped. It was a process that took months if not years.

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It’s possible but definitely not likely, given how often white serial killers get taken in unshot and unharmed.

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Did you mean to respond to me? My post was about how the fuckers shot two innocent women!

I mentioned that he was a large Black man (and the victims were nothing like fitting that description) to point out how bloodthirsty and reckless the cops were that they were ready to murder anyone “in a truck near a place” because that was enough of an identification.

Duh. You too @Basic (liked the post).


Oh I agree. No way he wasn’t getting got. But no way a white cop gets got either. I mean hell, the Unibomber didn’t get got. There are different sets of rules depending on your skin color.

Is that what you call shooting anyone regardless of whether they fit the description or are within 50 miles of the suspect?

They shot at another person in a different truck too btw. White guy. He wasn’t hit.

Wrong thread, but the point is cops suck and should be abolished. Here in the case of a spree killer, their reaction is to be worse. We had thousands of maniacs wildly racing around all of Southern California ready to shoot anyone in a pickup truck (at least one of the other trucks wasn’t even the right color).


No. Not even in theory, but do you see how that gets other people shot in practice?

Ted K was not attacking police and was captured after a lot of surveillance in his shit shack. He was taken by surprise. Don’t think he used a gun in anger once.

Dorner murdered police officers and their families. He had an arsenal with him and knew the cops where coming. Dorner shot and killed a police officer in the cabin he was barricaded in.

While there’s definitely different rules based on race, these examples aren’t indicative of much.

Dorner killed a police officer and wounded another when they approached the cabin he was barricaded in. Why do you think the police were not justified in using deadly force with little or no warning? I’m guessing you don’t really know much about the Dorner case.

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I’m guessing you should just cut to the chase and stop interacting with me. I guess I know more about it than you. Did you read my posts? (Feel free not to answer) They shot completely innocent people. Stop defending the cops before I call you names.


Victor was saying talking about Dorner like he was unjustly killed or something. If you were just saying Dorner was black to highlight the unreasonableness of the cops mistaking the hispanic ladies for him, and wasn’t saying Dorner’s blackness was why he was killed by police, my apologies.

He’s obviously talking about them shooting at people who don’t even come close to fitting the description and weren’t even in the same pickup truck Dorner had. They literally saw a pickup and got scared, read the posts


After I not only obviously did not say it was because he was Black and then explained how that was not what I was saying. Smh.

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That post wasn’t directed towards you and I apologize for the confusion.

De nada.

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Ok. I was ready to keep fighting, but “not directed at me” ruins that plan.


Yes, of course I see how that gets people shot. Dorner created an extremely dangerous situation for everyone involved. The police didn’t want to shoot innocent people. They were acting in good faith trying to kill or capture a violent and heavily armed killer, and they were scared exactly because Dorner was hunting them. The police are responsible for the bad mistakes they made in this situation, but Dorner created the situation and bears even more blame.

The system is to blame. The notion that cops can just shoot with so little reason that “I was scared” even when they were looking at two old women delivering newspapers is to blame. And they were angry, not scared. The idea that if a cop is killed they then get to run all over SoCal with their pedals to the metal and fingers on the trigger is to blame. They way they are almost never held accountable is to blame. Their existence is to blame. The excuses that the majority of people make for them are to blame.