The C-Word

I didn’t realize there was a third c-word thread and poll lol.

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You cannot possibly be serious. The poll has been open for less than 24h. Most users are totally oblivious of its existence as evidenced by a participation of only 21 users. Two of who voted yes and no. That makes it about ~10 unequivocal votes to close the thread and you are already calling for bans?

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I was hoping for responses to my post in the post a picture of where you are thread, but whatever, I’ll talk about the c-word some more.

(This subject won’t die until there’s something else to fight about. Maybe someone should kill it with a scorching take on some other topic.)

I could post some more about immigration.

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There’s actually a fourth pole as well, within the third c-word pole thread.

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The pole is currently tied at 54 percent to 54 percent. Lol, polaments.

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So, you’re not a totally humourless ■■■■■ Good to see.

I hope they both get up to 60% so they can get around a filibuster.


Schrodinger’s Poll, IMO.

I didn’t realize another poll had been made. IDGAF if we leave stuff open or closed but this discussion seems like it’s kind of losing steam anyway. I think it will die a natural death, if people just stop using it as a proxy war against moderation decisions they don’t like, or against posters they don’t like.

But in my original poll, I meant to moderate discussion of the c-word in the voting thread because I didn’t want it to turn into a second battleground thread where stuff starts to get really confusing to follow.

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I’ll bet my life savings there will be hundreds of posts the second jals temp ban ends.

I’ll take the hundreds of posts side.


Even if I have to make them!

Please. CW was run off because of a group of posters constantly attacking him. This other guy left because he disagreed with censoring a word. The two situations aren’t remotely similar.

I still want to know what Doctor Zeus posts as here.

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That is an A+ response.

A few posters said that in the thread, which is why I posted it. Still not sure who the good Doctor is, he didn’t respond in that thread, and no idea if he posts here.

The idea that CW was run off is a joke.


Oops. Not a good soul-reader, obviously.

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