About Moderation (old original thread)

I mean, @goofyballer, you can keep ignoring this. The reason Wookie or skydiver are not defending this is it’s because it’s fucking indefensible. Wake up and smell the roses, bro.

This is an out of context attack.

I already posted in the c word thread this post

that, to spell it out to you, should explain to you why people who’ve lived in proximity to terrorism caused directly by the UK’s involvement in the Iraq/Afghan wars (a result of being dragged in by the American MIC) tend to think, how shall I say this, not too highly of people glorifying the technology of the US military and on a “progressive” forum they have to expect a poor reception.

lol @ “dragged in”

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Millions on the streets and a majority against it = dragged in (by our own leadership conned by the US)


No, it’s an absolute fact that you constantly go to a poster’s IRL background for your insults. It is bizarre and stalkerish. Like, the fact that you even remember so many details about your targets is weird. I don’t remember anything about you except that you’re from the UK (I think).

Where’s @RiskyFlush ?

I don’t have targets. You target people when you follow them around even though you know you’re on ignore and people tell them you’re posting obsessively about them lol.

This is creepy behaviour and somewhat disturbing. It should have been stamped out but lol mods.

You’ve talked here several times about your love of cruises. Maybe I’m stalking suzzer and micro too because I know one has done a long road trip of central America in his vehicle and is planning on going almost around the world in it, and the other wants to hit the road in his camper van thing.

Your latest addition to the witch hunt lexicon needs more work, dude.

Pretty sure the UK is a big boy country that can decide for itself whether or not to go off to war.

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Not conned. All of our leadership knew. Everyone on Earth with a brain who paid attention and had a reasonable awareness of the history of the region and how governments drum up wars and not blinded by extremely unmerited trust of authority knew. And your leadership almost certainly knew knew.

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They’re blaming us for the Falklands now, good lord.

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Blair had many faults. The constant desire for stardom and adulation that saw him fine tune his Jagger impersonations for student parties and try to become a rock star also led to naff versions of Baker Street with Clinton and being seduced by the US government’s power when he visited.

He says he’s unrepentant and that it was justified but he would, wouldn’t he? No UK PM has ever been able to say No to the US “inviting” us to join them in a war.

Wilson famously avoided the phone calls when they came during Vietnam lol.

Perhaps (but of course the UK also has its own MIC), but still not ‘conned’ unless he and everyone around him were complete idiots.

And Iraq has sooooo much to do with the UK. Kuwait was a British Petroleum property. USA oil owned Saudi Arabia.

I honestly think he was a naïve idiot who got very easily played, yes. Some of the cabinet at the time were very much against war and resigned. Others were privately against it but went along with it because of “unity”.

There’s also a strong possibility that I’m being naive and that the US “has something” on the UK that it exerts whenever it needs assistance (or the appearance of an international effort).


UK has almost the same share of GDP for arms sales as the US. What we have on the UK is a shared interest in war and oil.

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Homophobia, bro. You saw it here first.

Never change!

Where’s all the drama at/Cliffs anyone or just direct me to the appropriate thread/s

@j8i3h289dn3x7 Am I a part of your 4 Brits?

I thought all this had died down and now see threads with mods quitting and admit changed over to @jmakin (I don’t have any problems with J being an admin) & @zikzak leaving due to stress? Or the latest dramas. Geez.

Calm down people ffs… Anyway I ain’t got time to do the deep dive into all this again as I’ve got survive the wild in 2021. Maybe if I survive I’ll volunteer for Mod again if people so wish.

Don’t leave @goofyballer @MrWookie :pray: as you’re both good people.