The C-Word

This discussion is preposterous. I literally said that the reasons the majority of people want to ban the word and noted there were some people who thought other things, some of which are unreasonable in my opinion. I need to make list of everyone’s opinion and everything wrong with them?

I’ll start here
All-inFlynn, his opinion is wrong because hasn’t read my post

I have no idea what you’re talking about with me posting my strawman over and over. So yes, you should. Because you obviously have me mixed up with somebody else.

You characterized the post below as my “strawman” and said I have posted it “over and over” when I believe it was my first time attempting to summarize those the thoughts of those arguing that position.

It does seem to be enough for a majority of them. They are just arguing with people who insist that their usage of it is sexist, regardless of the fact that it’s not sexist where they come from. This is basically the entire argument as far as I can tell.

I agree. You said something and I then demonstrated that what you had said was false. How you carry that is your affair, doesn’t bother me.

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You have to literally read their posts believing that they already believe that to infer the meaning that you are you saying it has. This is no different than assuming when someone uses a word that they mean it in a derogatory manner. You are literally making my argument for me. ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO DETERMINE SOMEONES INTENT WITH THEIR WORDS ON A FORUM. You won’t even understand these words even though I’m crystal clear!

[quote=“marty, post:1332, topic:3572”]
I still object to any of my use of the word being described as sexist or misogynistic.


I’ll try not to use the term here, out of deference. But may toss it out occasionally depending on circumstance.

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Piraha are anarchists.

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They trade Brazil nuts, wood, and sorva (rubbery sap used in chewing gum) for soda-can pull-tabs, which are used for necklaces.

I always wondered why everybody used to save those stupid soda can pull-tabs.

The lines before that were more interesting.

They trade Brazil nuts and sex for consumables or tools, e.g. machetes, gunpowder, powdered milk, sugar, whiskey. Chastity is not a cultural value.

That’s cool and all, but why people saved soda can pull-tabs has been a mystery to me for decades.

Also, I liked how they all get Obama-canoes, or they just substitute with a piece of bark, no worries. They seem like total bad asses.

I’m grunching a bit, but I find UP appealing because of the opportunity to engage with intelligent and empathic people who seem generally dedicated to improving the world’s standard of living. I’d have expected us collectively to be eager to reduce the negative impact of our language.

Avoiding certain words only restricts our speech if we’re incapable of finding inoffensive synonyms, and it seems like our vocabularies should be easily up to the task.


The only time I ever got into a real fight with my grandmother was over Brazil nuts. This fight is one of the most vivid memories of my younger years.

She was born, raised, and died in the heart of east Tennessee. I’m sure you might imagine what the fight was about. This thread is basically a recreation of that fight!

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I can imagine, but I don’t think I knew that until like 10 years ago. I’m with my kids now and they don’t know…well, now they do.

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Shit, I had the same fight with my dad a few years prior to the one with his mom…except the one with dad wasn’t really a fight. He knew it was bad and told me kind of jokingly what they “used to call them growing up.” I just told him it wasn’t funny and that was the end of it.

My grandmother, on the other hand, was one of those tiny spitfire southern women that you see in movies, stubborn as a mule and just as outspoken. It makes me sad that today she’d be called a deplorable, even though she was a reliable democrat her entire life, and stayed that way even when the parties flip flopped in the 60s.

It’s so hard to explain to people who have never experienced the south’s unique politics that the fairest-minded southern lady who was a teacher and vehemently against segregation and Jim Crow could also casually call Brazil nuts by that nickname they had.

*this is not a defense of her use of the name. Like this thread, I was never able to convince her to stop.

Did you try threatening her with a ban?


I’m probably gonna eat a temp just for liking this post, but fuck it, it was hilarious.

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Oh really, what about the word “deplorable”?

I mean are you just making things up as you go along?

Now that the poll has been up for a day and the winner is lock the thread and not allow further discussion can we do that? Make further discussion of the issue temp ban worthy as well.

I disagree on that. A little managing to try to stop/slow abuse is one thing. Barring the discussion of subjects is another.


The poll explicitly said no longer allow discussion of the issue. Honestly I don’t care much about that part but if the exact same argument starts elsewhere hopefully mods will know the have community license to shut it down?

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I reckon, but I sorta thought of “this debate ended for good” as something the courts strike down on the grounds that it’s impossible. The “ban” part there is an addition that doesn’t prevent discussion, it just adds bans.

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