The Battle For Female Bodily Autonomy: The Right's War on Women

“The founders where Christian and at the time of the writing of the constitution so were almost all citizens. It s historically obvious rights were only meant for Christians”

Easy peasy

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That’s kind of a first amendment problem. Not saying they won’t do it, but it will require a bit more gymnastics than that.

Bruen says hi!

Hmm, what did they put first…

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

That’s kind of my point. They’re going to have to do a bit more work than they did in Bruen. They will still probably do it.

Dobbs relied on cites like a judge from the seventeenth century who conducted witch trials. They don’t care about appearing logical or consistent or even sane anymore.

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They care a little bit. I mean they’re not just writing “fuck you, that’s why” verbatim.

The game is to create the best fig leaf. But even if it is not a very good one, the end result is the same.

Sorry but you are mistaken. Not quashing the Texas immigration law was 100% fuck you that’s why. Zero legal basis. Literally none.

Nah, at best it was 99% “fuck you, that’s why”

100% would be writing exactly that. And I am certain there are plenty who would love that to see the libs tears and such.

MAGA judges don’t want to go full “fuck you that’s why” because they don’t want the MAGA leaders to realize they can just start making people like MTG judges. They need to pretend there’s an art to it.

Checking in on how court packing is going

TUCSON, Ariz. — Arizona’s Supreme Court had five judges for 56 years. But on December 19, 2016, thanks to a GOP-authored bill that was opposed by every Democrat in the state Legislature, Republican Governor Doug Ducey held a ceremony in the Old Capitol building to swear in a sixth justice, and then a seventh.

In all, Ducey has appointed five of the seven justices on the state court, taking a personal interest in vetting candidates with questions designed to ferret out a fidelity to textualism and an inclination to uphold, rather than overturn or tinker with, the law. His appointments, including the addition of the two new justices, have eliminated the court’s progressive caucus and swung it from a more moderate conservative tilt to one that emphasizes libertarianism, populism, and law and order, in line with Ducey’s own views. And the ages of its younger members mean the court likely will stay that way for years.

Didn’t realize they’d successfully packed their court. What a novel concept

I have a feeling we’re like 1 mile into the long journey of the republican coalition internally battling it out over abortion. They were so much happier when the could just string the religious nut jobs along without actually delivering.


That’s never gonna work, it’s like how the Dems are always trying to be Republican-lite. No one on either side is interested in a compromise, middle-of-the-road position on abortion.

this is mostly because there really isn’t a middle-of-the-road position. “hey the new plan is that if you need an abortion, flip a coin and if it’s heads you can have it and if it’s tails you go straight to jail forever, boom the abortion issue is now OFF THE TABLE” isn’t fooling anyone

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The middle of the road position is the mainstream Democrat position and you can tell because Republicans have to constantly lie about what it is.


It’s like when people say, “I’m not a feminist but…” and what they really mean is “I am not an absurd caricature of a feminist.” Just own the label. It means what they think it should mean.

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This is an incredible own goal from the GOP. The fundie weirdo freaks simply don’t give a fuck about any political considerations, and they’re firmly in charge. The story about this in the WSJ is basically all people saying “what the hell are they doing don’t these idiots know we need to win elections.” LOL fuck you.