The Battle For Female Bodily Autonomy: The Right's War on Women


Also how the hell does 160 year old law exist in 112 or whatever year old state? I don’t remember my US history / Government class well

States can inherit laws from the preceding territory.

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When there were apparently a few hundred residents and medical technology involved whiskey and biting on a stick.

But I assume it has to be actually currently written down in the current laws of the state right? Or they finding some old law of the territory that was never explicitly cancelled but hasn’t been written anywhere in current AZ law?

I feel like after 50 years they were finally able to prevail on their anti-abortion plans after the country had become measurably more pro-choie. A bit of a monkey’s paw. Be careful what you wish for.

It also ties in with the fact that most people have no idea what is going on with politics/policy, but cannot help help to have some basic knowledge about laws regarding procreation due to personal situation, friends, family, etc.

I would guess that at statehood they passes a law continuing all territory laws that they don’t change.

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So from a completely naive standpoint of judges just interpreting the law it seems like the court is right that that law says abortion is illegal in AZ? Hopefully a wake up call for various states to get all sorts of crazy old shit off the books officially

Every time abortion has been on the ballot it has won. This is total political insanity from the GOP. They may win anyway but it’s impossible to imagine a stupider thing for them to do. They easily could have just shut up about this until after the election.

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From what I can tell, the law is legit but the legal opinion is crazy. This is based on a summary from someone who read the opinion. I do not plan to read the opinion because I do not like reading bullshit.

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Lotta republican politicians rethinking their principled anti-abortion views.

The GOP has been defying political gravity for a long time on issues like abortion and gun control. They are wildly out of step with the median voter. You can only play the system so much in a semi-working democracy before things crash back down --the super-optimistic take is that they might be grossly overplaying their hand and picking the worst hill to die on as a political brand.


I am shocked, I tell you. Shocked.

Yeah it would literally be better to say “abortion? What’s that? Never heard of it”

welcome to the Handmaid’s Tale

This shit is one of the (many) reasons I could never be a politician. There is no way I could observe decorum rules if someone did this. I’m picturing yelling, “ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?”

Then again, maybe I’d be speechless.


Reminds me of the last scene from Heriditary

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They do it thru packing courts and gerrymandering, which requires herculean efforts by Dems to just keep some semblance of normalcy. If Dems ever regain full power again and don’t do anything about it this time, we deserve what we get

Pro-life, they say