The Battle For Female Bodily Autonomy: The Right's War on Women

The thing is that for the anti abortion movement, logically where you define what IVF is doing is going to make you end up supporting birth control in the sense that if you allow IVF by saying that a ‘child’ is defined when an embryo is implanted in the uterus then birth control that prevents embryos from implanting should be ok because you’re not killing a ‘child’ because it’s not a child yet.

But I suspect logical consistently only works when it’s restricting women’s access, not allowing it.

Wasn’t sure where to put this, but, because of the part of the law being challenged, I’ll just leave this here.

“Hendrix’s courthouse in Lubbock, Texas, has been the site of multiple lawsuits against the Biden administration brought by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, the challenger in this case. With his ruling, Hendrix granted Paxton’s request to block the federal government from enforcing in Texas a provision in the massive funding bill known as the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, which mandates that some employers provide certain accommodations to pregnant workers.”

The world would have been a better place if Laura Strietman had been aborted. And that’s a scientific fact.


Just like alcohol with pilots, there is absolutely no safe level of religion. Even a small amount is fatal to basic human decency.

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Countdown to pharmacist refusing to dispense…

This is where I’m conservative? I’m all for religious freedom, but if your job requires you to dispense birth control or transport liquor and your religion doesn’t allow it, then find another job. I have a hard time feeling sorry for such people

And often with their religion it’s not some obvious hard and fast rule.

350 million people. 350 million religions.

I assume that’s more likely in a mom and pop pharmacy. From reading r/pharmacy the median chain pharmacists gives two fucks and hates their life while feeling helpless. I just don’t think many of the chain pharmacists are going to stand out there but I could be wrong.

You can find CVS, etc as well. CVS fired someone for not filling hormone therapy to a transgender woman.

Varies by state. Policies/laws seem to indicate that if someone else is on site that will dispense, then they are to step aside and allow that to happen. Also supposed to facilitate sending the script to another pharmacy. But I’m sure there are some states that wouldn’t enforce cause muh fetus much morals.

“Often”? Nah, it’s NEVER some obvious hard and fast rule. Religion is a bunch of made up rules to justify desired outcomes. You just change the rules when you no longer like the outcomes. Like the Supreme Court.



The French can change their constitution? Must be nice.




Hard to point to the founding father’s intentions when you redo your constitution from scratch every 20 years

These embroes will not become children, they don’t have the possibility of being children with the current technology, but the end result of IVF is that a child will be born. Maybe in the future we can we make IVF align better with your morality and that’s probably a good thing, but you’re psychopaths if you’re going to rip that joy from a family.

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Listened to the Amicus episode about the upcoming abortion pill decision and if I had to guess I’d put money on the Supreme Court reviving the Comstock Law to say abortion pills should be banned but allowing the general FDA.

About fucking time this religious freedom bullshit is called out. There will be more such decisions in the future.


Yea I saw this last night and the guy taking about it on Twitter was curious how the Supreme Court will manage to twist their ruling to be well like really we meant religious freedom for Christians

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