The Battle For Female Bodily Autonomy: The Right's War on Women

Every lawyer in a bureaucracy interprets laws and regulations to be maximally restrictive, even when that’s unjustified by the language or intent. Almost none go out on a limb, because if you are a lawyer in a bureaucracy chances are you are a clock puncher who cares most about covering your ass.



I just wanted y’all to hear something about the power of local elections. I heard on the news about a super conservative county that had not voted blue since FDR. The county I live in did not vote for FDR , or kennedy , or clinton, etc. The last time my county voted democrat was 1916. when woodrow wilson won 49-47% during ww1 patriotism. until joe biden won 2020. my county allowed laura kelly to win the gubernatorial election with 48% of the vote. Laura kelly did the opposite of trump where she nominated a number of liberal justices and kansas has both a liberal supreme court and a liberal court of appeals by 1 vote each and it drives conservatives crazy. That is the reason that kansas has women’s healthcare and abortions constitutionally protected, because they ruled against a number of crazy right wing precedents in the state of kansas. Texas, south carolina, arkansas doesn’t have that. It certainly slowed down the conservative movement to throw women in jail. your states supreme court can beat the us supreme court because they rely on “states rights” to make their arguments.


Senators did pass a few changes to the six-week ban already in place, including cutting the time that victims of rape and incest who become pregnant can seek an abortion from 20 weeks to about 12 weeks and requiring that DNA from the aborted fetus be collected for police. The bill goes back to the House, which passed a ban with exceptions for rape or incest.

South Carolina’s six-week ban is currently suspended as the state Supreme Court reviews whether it violates privacy rights. In the meantime, the state’s 2016 ban on abortions 20 weeks after conception is in effect.

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Wtf logic is that

“We don’t like women” logic.

Yep, it isn’t anything deeper than “lolwomen are just rice cookers that output babies”.


Remember that one exchange in congress where the “expert” for the anti abortion group said that a 10 year old rape victim terminating their pregnancy because it was a threat to their life wasn’t an abortion? Probably that

So… Dems got a massive bump after Roe was overturned and the republicans are… doubling down on abortion restriction two months prior to the midterms?

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Maybe they know they will take a hit and want to minimize the effect by maximizing their abilities turn out their base.

Imagine Dems in 2010 expecting a drubbing over Obamacare but leaning strongly into health care instead of running away from it as a campaign issue. Would they have done better or worse?

Hard to do worse.

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“Two years ago, when I was pregnant with Jack, John and my third child, I had to make a lot of difficult and heartbreaking decisions. It became very clear around halfway through that he would not survive, and that I wouldn’t either without any medical intervention,” she said.

Silver lining for Ohio minors, I guess.

That’s sickening to read. Sigh.