The Battle For Female Bodily Autonomy: The Right's War on Women

Because he was just on this podcast

And because he’s grown over time in understanding how to use his celebrity and how to use the power that he has and the reach that he has and the resources that he has to actually make change.

I won’t hold going on that shithead’s podcast against him.

Now we’ll get to hear how amendments to state constitutions guaranteeing a right for one to make one’s own health care decisions does not actually confer a right to make one’s own health care decisions.

of course, you think deplorable judges are NOW going to start like actually being intellectually consistent? lol law

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I will be following this Nebraska case with great interest.

My theory is that with competent jury selection, it shouldn’t be too tough to find one juror to nullify. If the Kansas vote is any indication, it would seem to me that finding 12 people to unanimously convict for an abortion is a huge lift.

Also getting good representation shouldn’t be too hard here. I’m sure there are some pro-life hot shots that would love to take this one pro bono.

Yeah, yeah, SweetSummerChild, Narrator, etc.

Minors aren’t mature enough to have an abortion, but are mature enough to have a baby


I’m so glad I moved but God I hate South Carolina

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I’m not sure how much weight to give this third hand account. Seems like a game of telephone to me. I have no doubt the advice given was appalling, but I’m a bit skeptical that it was exactly as described in the tweet.

Given that Paxton sued against Biden rules against letting pregnant people die and won in the 5th circuit, it hardly seems farfetched.

Well, I’m not saying it’s impossible. But here we have legal telling an obstetrician who tells her friend who tells Robin Fulford who tweets it to us. It wouldn’t be a shocker if something got altered in the process.

I have no problems believing that was the legal advice given. I don’t see how “some exceptions” morphs into “no exceptions”. If inaccurate, I’d be more willing to be in an intentional lie than a misunderstanding.

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The issue is that you’re putting your life in the hands of a prosecutor and jury. It’s good legal advice not to come close to a crime

Seems the GOP is learning that these draconian abortion bans aren’t actually all that popular with voters: Blake Masters Deletes Abortion Stance

Unfortunately voters might be dumb enough to think ‘deleted off website’ translates to ‘won’t actually enforce if able.’

For reference, one of the few political ads I see (because it runs on Hulu) is Mark Kelly ripping Masters for his abortion stance, including multiple shots of him saying “women’s health” with air quotes.

Totally not terrifying.


This would only be for Veterans tho?

It seems to include veterans as well as their spouses and dependents.