The Battle For Female Bodily Autonomy: The Right's War on Women

My comment is about the GOP. They have been running on this dog for 40 years, placating their religious conservatives, many realizing that winning and overturning Roe could be a political disaster. Looks like it will be.

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I see. I follow you better now.

Disagree. Racism may be more popular than Roe. Racism may be as popular, or at least popular enough, as all their other policies combined are unpopular.

Kansas is sneakily not a complete shitshow for a red state. They have a Democratic governor who actually handled Covid fairly well. I’m not remotely surprised they rejected this. They are a level above the truly looney toons states like Oklahoma and pretty much the entire south.

I forget: Are you actually from there, or do you just have a username that would indicate that you are?

I’m from Wichita and now live in OKC.

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Kansas found something that Democrats will vote harder for than getting rid of Trump



I will go ahead and give myself some credit here. I voted no in 110 degree weather and campaigned for no pretty hard. Kansas is getting more blue all the time thanks to people like me : )


I live in the same place as kander used to, practically neighbors. This exact area used to be deeply deeply red but is now blue. I think he’d be a bit surprised if he moved back. Kansas is a unique category now alongside I think alaska and north carolina; has an incredibly conservative reputation and yes a red state, but with effective and trending blocks of liberalism and getting bluer.
Also, however good you think Laura Kelly is, she’s better than that: very very moderate seemingly but makes big liberal plays on the reg. MVP.


Tell them to also invalidate all pre-nuptial agreements.

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First video is great. She knows her position is so absurd she can even remember what her absurd response is supposed to be so she has to read off her script.

It’s crazy and pathetic how uncomfortable they are being questioned given how big a raving nutjob they are on twitter and right wing media.

Second video was hilarious. Apparently the Dem’s number one gotcha is “Who will pay for the funeral of the dead fetus carried to term?”. I don’t know whether to LOL her for incompetence or LOL Indiana because that’s what plays there. The next question after that is also done terribly. I get where she was trying to go, but the execution is weak AF.

Why the fuck is John Legend’s opinion on abortion a front page of BBC News story?