The Battle For Female Bodily Autonomy: The Right's War on Women

The entire health insurance industry to which the GOP is in eternal servitude is one giant death panel.

First we cannot have a music festival due to a gun law, now this.

Georgia having a normal one today.

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I’m going to have my wife come up with a false positive pregnancy test.


George Badeaux, who had been dispensing drugs from the McGregor Thrifty White pharmacy for several decades, refused to fill Anderson’s prescription, claiming it would violate his “beliefs,” according to the complaint.

“Badeaux informed her that there would be another pharmacist working the next day, who might be willing to fill the medication but that he could not guarantee that they would help,” the complaint states.

Badeaux also warned Anderson against trying to get the prescription filled at a Shopko pharmacy in a nearby town and refused to tell her where else she could try, as required by state law, the complaint states.

Another pharmacist at a CVS in the city of Aitkin also blocked Anderson from getting the prescription filled. She wound up traveling 100 miles round trip, “while a massive snowstorm was headed to central Minnesota,” to get the prescription filled at Walgreens in Brainerd, according to the complaint.

I don’t understand why she needed a prescription. Plan B is an over the counter medication. Like, in CA they don’t even keep it behind the window…it’s just out on the shelves. I wonder if they mean that the guy just refused to sell it to her?

Not sure if there’s a reason she couldn’t have used an OTC morning after pill, but according to WaPo article at the time

Her gynecologist told the 39-year-old mother of five she should take Ella, the prescription-only morning-after pill, and sent the prescription to the only pharmacy in McGregor, a very small town about 130 miles north of Minneapolis.


Anyone got any cliffs for me about how fucking Kansas of all places had the foresight to codify abortion rights in their constitution?

Because forcing 10 year olds to give birth to their rapists baby is somehow unpopular even among Republicans

Is it, though?


I think it was because they still have enough D appointed supreme court justices that they read the constitution that way in a case a few years back; it’s not spelled out specifically in the Constitution afaik. In time they’ll get enough psychos on there that they’ll pull an Iowa and overrule it the second they get the chance.

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I don’t think they codified abortion rights in their Constitution. The amendment seems to be a reaction to the state supreme court ruling that abortion was a protected right.

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Thanks. Looks like I was giving Kansas too much credit.

Their shit is so unpopular they’re losing ballot initiatives IN KANSAS

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Dog Catches Car

No, this isn’t a situation where the victors have no idea what to do now. We know exactly what to do. Let women handle their own fucking shit.

This is truly nuts. Their only hope is full military dictatorship and they’re going to try.