The Battle For Female Bodily Autonomy: The Right's War on Women

How the fuck do 38% of Dems support that

lots of catholics I’m guessing?

The only possible explanation I can think of is Dems interpreting that national law is being both the floor and the ceiling on abortion rights for all states. But that’s obviously not what it would be.

Pretty much this.

15 weeks sounds like a very very reasonable compromise to normies that have not thought about it for more than 10 seconds


Anyone who talks about free speech on campus is an absolute moron at this point.

I’m sure free speech right wingers will be all over it to get this rule rescinded, Any min now

Here’s the full memo.

How exactly does a felony conviction for sinply discussing abortion not violate the first amendment. Its literally the government putting restriction on non violent speech

They’re claiming that since you’re working for the government, they can put this kind of requirements on your actions. It’s a dubious theory, but…

The law that would be broken is one saying that only licensed physicians or licensed health care workers under their supervision and direction can advertise or aid in procuring an abortion. So the felony is effectively for practicing medicine without a license, where providing any information about abortion or contraceptives is practicing medicine. (But you can still distribute condoms as an anti-STD measure, so long as you don’t mention any contraceptive purpose.)

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To be clear, this is for high school kids.

Oh lawd. I read this as college athletes at state institutions. Tracking children is insane.

Something something the true insanity would be making these innocent girls compete against boys.


Maybe Jusge Jackson can lead the charge of no fucks to give in legal proceedings.

A six-week abortion ban in Ohio has forced people with cancer to travel out of state for abortions that are necessary to continue with life-saving treatment, according to affidavits submitted by abortion providers in the state. In at least two cases, cancer patients have been blocked from receiving treatment until their pregnancies were terminated — and getting an abortion required them to leave the state.

The cases underscore how abortion bans — even those with exceptions to save the life of the pregnant person — have upended patients’ lives and limited doctors’ abilities to provide essential medical treatments.

Unless the woman’s life is in danger doesn’t seem to apply much to women whose life is in danger


How do people feel about Governor Evers playing hardball like this in Wisconsin, where Republicans have a gerrymandered stranglehold on the state legislature?