The 2020 Republican National Convention: There will be blood. And soil.

Ugh, man, save it for Clovis.


Ugh. Cohen gonna be on Maddow

For a minute I thought Brooks married Geordi La Forge’s gf.


Has the RNC booked the Kenosha shooter as a speaker yet?


trump is already speaking at the RNC

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Clearly they think mcenany/conway are honorable compared to everyone else on that list was my take.

Me, furious Castro was not given a speaking slot at the DNC

Castro: It’s because I’m busy you chud

Batman, meet Robin

I’ll need to see a strongly worded letter before I will be confident the Dems have dealt with this effectively.


I take your point, but since nothing else will happen, I’ll accept Castro reading a strongly worded letter on Twitch.

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I’m on team Cambridge Analytica is largely a scam run by clueless people. Trump is a low info Fox News racist and knows how to appeal to other low info Fox News racists. That’s the secret sauce, same as it’s been since 1968. It’s working a lot less these days.

Just a joke tweet but you asked…


wasn’t Castro the keynote speaker for the 2012 convention?

edit–that was the other one right, argh.

Which Castro did you want to speak at the DNC, Julian or Joaquin?

Apparently both :eyes:

This predates today’s sports cancellations:

The vice president’s remarks are still being written, but he plans to steep his remarks in patriotic tones and will make a particular reference to the National Anthem, a senior Republican official told CNN’s Jeff Zeleny. Pence is expected to repeat his call for standing during the anthem – as a sign of respect for the flag – and use that in his Wednesday night remarks.

Tonight is going to be a shitshow.


If he addresses this he’s going to be an asshole about it. If he doesn’t he’s going to be an out of touch asshole.

With no NBA games tonight, I volunteer as tribute and will be watching the RNC.

What channel have people been watching?


The team pursues Flynn to 1937, where he prevents the Hindenburg disaster in order to bomb the dirigible on its return flight to Europe, when it is carrying important Americans to the Coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. Lucy theorizes that Flynn wants to destroy the United States of America “in the crib”. Lucy, Wyatt, and Rufus hijack the Hindenburg and force it to land; as a result, all of the passengers survive despite the airship being destroyed by a stray gunshot from one of Flynn’s henchmen. During a confrontation with Lucy and Wyatt, Flynn shoots and kills reporter Kate Drummond, whom Lucy and Wyatt had befriended and who was supposed to die in the original crash. Flynn reveals to Lucy that he possesses a journal written in her handwriting which she has yet to create; he urges her to ask Agent Christopher about “Rittenhouse”. In the present, Agent Christopher denies knowledge of Rittenhouse and Rufus reluctantly gives Connor an audio recording from the mission. Lucy discovers that her mother, who had been suffering from advanced cancer, is now healthy, but her younger sister Amy no longer exists and Lucy herself is engaged.

That’s Dark.

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