The 2020 Republican National Convention: There will be blood. And soil.

so are a lot more people are gonna watch tonight with a bunch of sports out?

“If you think there’s a ‘good’ to saying, ‘I want to hear both sides,’ you might say you’re undecided. You might actually even on some level believe you’re undecided. But you’re probably not,” says Yanna Krupnikov, a political scientist at Stony Brook University. For more than a decade, she has been studying the political psychology of voters and nonvoters alike, and what she’s found is that “undecided voters” aren’t really independent, or moderate. In fact, they’re often more partisan than some voters who openly identify with a party.

And when it comes to the handful of “pure” independents — those voters who legitimately do not lean toward one major party or the other, and could perhaps be swayed … well, they’re probably not watching these conventions at all, “except maybe by accident,” she says.

“They are just generally less interested in politics and often know less about it” than other groups, Krupnikov said.

This opening video is the worst trailer ever.



The US apparently invented the idea of a war for independence.

That’s the plot of the pilot of a time travel NBC show called Timeless that premiered 1 month before the 2016 election. Rittenhouse was the family name of the evil cabal they were trying to stop from undermining American democracy and destroying the world (this might not have been the end goal, but it’s close).

Each episode plot was a person going back and trying to eff up history to try to change the outcomes of what we know as history today. There was another group who tried to stop each of these events from happening once they got wind of the bad group’s time machine being on the move (the lead was a historian who could help them find context for the dates that were often obscure).

It was from one of the creators of Supernatural. It lasted two 13 episode seasons (was canceled after season 1, then renewed) and was given a movie for closure but f if I remember what that closure was. Some episodes were really good and often hilarious (the scene where the characters met Dorothy Vaughan was one of the best things I’ve ever seen on TV while being utterly simple). Some, like the Vegas episode, were very tilting for its poor understanding of city geography.

Some of the humor appeal is similar to Burn Notice where there was a scene where two characters have to come up with fake names on the spur of the moment and in the scene the guy says, ‘I’m Artest and this is my partner Shannon Brown’. Even at the time, it would have been a pretty obscure and hilarious joke. This one took those sorts of name jokes and put them in the past.

I give the show a 6.5 of 10…worth a watch, maybe.

This is your time to shine, NBZ. After tonight, you might unseat Riverman as Unstuck’s go-to rage resource. Let loose with the hot takes. We are here to applaud.

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Are Republicans aware that MLK’s I Have a Dream speech has more than one line?


Check the history books fifty years from now, it doesn’t.

I’m assuming Scott Dane is giving this speech wearing a Make Logging Great Again hat because he’s hiding a bald spot.

Omfg this is a prayer/trump defence. So gross.

You’re welcome for your freedom.

Marsha Blackburn talking about her father in law enforcement. It’s a shame he didn’t give his life in the line of duty.

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What I think will happen next is that Trump will lose by around 8 points and he’ll cry and bitch and moan and leave. Why are half the speakers at the RNC family members and nobodys, because the GOP has gotten full mileage from Trump and is ready to cast him aside. Why is Trump swearing in immigrants and talking up healthcare, because those things are popular with voters. He’s not fooling anyone, just giving some minimal cover for existing deplorables.

Dems will have like a 50-52 Senate and the country will begin to look like CA over the next decade as much of the far right dies off or goes back into their holes. Strong religious views will continue their rapid decline. I mean, things have always been terrible for almost everyone since about 10000 BC but they are better now for a larger segment of the world (excluding the US) than they’ve ever been.


They had a shot of her standing stiffly with her arms straight at her sides. They need to program Robot Marsha Blackburn to have arm movements.

It’s “Hitman in a Porno Movie” Dan Crenshaw.


Her “father in law” enforcement. Or her father “in law enforcement.” You know what? It’s Marsha Blackburn—I don’t care.

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A quick Google search suggests Crenshaw is speaking from the deck of the Battleship Texas museum.

Heroism is not moralizing and lecturing over others, says the guy moralizing and lecturing us about what heroism is.

