The 2020 Republican National Convention: There will be blood. And soil.

sweet jesus this lineup is bad.

blackburn, crenshaw, zeldin, Mcenany, Kellyanne, LOU FUCKING HOLTZ, Stefanik, Madison Cawthorn

Kellyanne is still speaking? Lololololllll

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In an effort to duplicate Pence’s inspiring on-location speech from Lincoln’s childhood home, Cawthorn will speak live from Hitler’s childhood home.



Wack lineup. Also lol at putting “the honorable” in front of a few peoples names

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Oh my god Lou Holtz is going to be must see television. Fucking 5 years ago he was impossible to understand, worse than Melania is now, so I can’t even imagine how fucking unintelligible this speech is going to be.


Since we’re betting lives here, I think our EV is impacted by what happens to those lives if we lose the hand.

Did either convention talk about the millions out of work and have them share their stories?


Doubtless ponied (I’m not reading all that shit) but holy shit at the lowest of low bars.

sure the speech was decent and humane but she has proven she isnt so who cares. jfc

These are the same people that insist privilege is a left wing fiction.


I’m sure jman can weigh in, but I’d think if you’re executing a no-knock warrant you’d need to double triple and quadruple check you’re going to the right address.

I see manslaughter and negligence as two big ones that could be put here. That’s not even mentioning the person they were seeking was already in custody. There have to be some real consequences. If you accidentally kill someone on the road by doing something dumb, you can still go to jail. How is this any different than that?

Also this isn’t the first time these cops did this

I’m confused by Melania’s appearance (not that I’ve dared watch any of this utter shitfest).

If she wanted out of her marriage I’d have thought she should be trying to sabotage his chances…unless either there’s $0 in the bank, or she’s been threatened.

Thanks for making my day just a bit brighter. :angry:


There are rumors that she negotiated for more money to stay in the marriage longer.

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