The 2020 Republican National Convention: There will be blood. And soil.

She didn’t Plagiarize! Triumph!


I don’t get how anyone could watch Melania’s speech and think it was some incredible moment. It was just generic blather with some Republican talking points mixed in. And the delivery was robotic and sleep-inducing. I know that’s largely because she is not a native English speaker - and I’ll grade her on a curve for that, just as I hope, say, the French would if I gave a speech in Paris - but it still plays a part.


Knock someone out, spend four years kicking them in the stomach then reach down to help them to their feet and the media will gush at what a helpful and kind person you are.


RNC spends two days saying that protestors are going to burn cities to the ground and boom, some kid executes two protestors

just a coincidence


Nah, man. They have no message. Trump is just tweeting out whatever is on Fox & Friends.

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Don’t mistake the fact that its working for a good strategy. This country is full of racist idiots and its very hard to overcome that when they have massive structural advantages and no shame.


What other position do you expect the media to take? They have to act like these are all great moments in history to get viewers to tune in.

They can’t say “Mediocre person gave a basic talking point speech”.


This is what is called “leadership” these days.

Like, I’m not joking. Listen to CEOs of large companies try to explain what their companies do. Listen to tech bros try to explain how their products make the world better. Listen to heads of regulatory agencies explain how they protect consumers.

There are smart people out there but so, so much of leadership is just a bunch of pablum.


In 2016 Trump had some clear themes of building the wall and locking up Hillary. He’s got nada so far as a consistent message, it’s all a hodgepodge. Unfortunately, neither does Biden.

My favorite part about Trump’s/Republicans’ message so far is “vote for Trump or USA#1 will go to shit.”


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I think Biden had a clear message on Orange Man Bad. The problem is potential Dem voters want to also hear that the Biden administration will do things to help them, and there is a lack of simple, direct messaging on that point. Trump’s base will vote to own the libs, Biden’s target audience probably won’t be sufficiently motivated by punishing Trump. Punishing Trump is what I would call “table stakes”. Its necessary but not sufficient.

Considering what spews from him, more accurately: Trump is the asshole, not the mastermind.

It sort of feels like we (democracy) got it in with JJ vs. Trump (Putin-style fascism with a heavy dose of immigrant torture) and his AKo. But then the Qanon morons call from the small blind with 44 and now we’re all drawing live to Nazi Germany 2.0.

Badpokeranalogy.jpg, but it just feels so uncomfortable having these a-holes at our table.

Tripling our EV is fun.

Fucking Brits. Always knew they were just biding their time for us to eat shit.

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If they had just poured bleach on the server with @Riverman 's email this all could have been avoided.

In all likelihood the Dems fundraising teams are probably sending these donor lists around as email attachments in Gmail. Its certainly possible that someone is commercializing the lists and selling them but I think the information is probably readily available for any hacker that wants it.

Orange man bad

Edit: but my pony is worse