The 2020 Republican National Convention: There will be blood. And soil.

No but I’m pretty sure he inferred that Joe Biden is racist and Donald Trump is not, so there’s that.

No the 2024 RNC TNC (Trump National Convention) will be all of us standing outside by huge projector screens of Trump, and we’ll be required honored to give a salute with one outstretched arm held very straight as we shout “Heil Trump!”

I just can’t see this convention making any difference whatsoever. At best it turns off 1 person for every 1 person it turns on, for a net of like 12,774 to 12,853. People know who Trump is and they will vote for him or not. Most will not.

From what I’ve read recently there is no real legal basis to charge them on. Obviously they’re pieces of shit, but the raid was signed off by a judge and approved from everyone on down to the officers. Then the boyfriend, obviously fearing for his life because no knock raids are bullshit, opened fire on the officers so they shot back wildly and randomly hit her through a window.

The problem is they had a signed warrant to do a no knock raid. I don’t see how you can charge them for murder. To be clear I think they should be, I just don’t see how it could happen legally.

The MSM has always secretly wanted Trump to get reelected.


Yeah, doing my morning perusal of the various sites and it looks like everyone is saying that this convention is totally normal and even effective. Cool!

I mean, in the 538 podcast recap of the RNC, they are so fine with normalizing Trump’s dishonesty that they are now essentially workshopping which lies the R’s should be running with to be especially effective.


You don’t suppose that pillow is filled with cocaine?

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The 538 podcast was brutal. They didn’t point out a single thing wrong with it other than not enough famous people.

Most medical procedures suck. Saying one of our thousands of invasive medical procedures “should be rare” is either offensively moralizing or meant so broadly/shallow as to be obvious and moot. Even saying that there likely would be less abortions but the issue is being exacerbated by XYZ is reasonable but arbitrarily asserting “rare” as the goal seems to be missing the point. Abortions should happen exactly as many times as they are wanted. If every woman wanted one tomorrow that’s exactly how many should happen.

While saying it should be rare/r recognizes the external [capitalist] forces that influence the abortion rate it also legitimizes framing individual abortions as a moral issue rather than a medical/autonomy one.

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My wife, who has been registered as a Democrat for 20 years and has given money only to Democrats, is now getting insane Trump text messages about Communist China owning Joe Biden or whatever, so great job whoever is selling Dem donor phone numbers to these ghouls.

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Yeah my wife gets trump texts all the time. No idea where they might have gotten her number.

so this is nice. I fly home last night, wake up this morning, and see blue checks slobbering all over Melania’s speech on twitter, saying how it sways independents, and it is effective, and how the stuff in Kenosha is causing people to turn away from us, etc.

Just fucking great.

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Good thing there are no independents to sway this time.

Speaking of

“Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth told The New York Times his office is investigating whether the shooting resulted from a conflict between demonstrators and a group of men with weapons who were protecting businesses.”

Well that’s not good

Even BBC is going along with the line that it’s “unconventional” to use the WH as a prop in a political rally. Unreal.

It was unconventional when bob robbed the bank to pay his mortgage. What ingenuity!

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Isn’t this just as likely to be data obtained via cyber attacks? What are the chances that the Democrats are properly defending that information?

I stopped listening to their podcast. They are treating this like a completely normal convention and refuse to treat it as what it is… a calamity of racists and fascists of shitty people trying to promote social unrest. Normalizing this behavior or trying to “analyze” it from a political standpoint is futile and dangerous.


They seem to have dropped the ball, then. Trump’s 2020 campaign has no message at all, no theme. Does anyone think families in suburban Pennsylvania are worried about “cancel culture?” Only stand-up comedians and NYT op-ed writers sincerely care about that.


This is a widespread problem. Here is a nauseating article published by Canada’s public broadcaster.

This is insane. None of us will ever need to ask again how Germans allows the Nazis to happen. We’re watching it in real time.