The 2020 Republican National Convention: There will be blood. And soil.



wow. so yesterday was an appeal to evil, and today is an appeal to stupid, i guess


And with that, I’m out. Please let’s all do whatever we can to make sure we never have to listen to her as flotus again. Good night.

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Look at that, he’s getting lucky tonight. Once every four years he gets 30 seconds of hand holding and a kiss on the cheek, disdain free!


Like, I’ll give her a pass to some extent because her accent/English speaking ability is automatically going to make anything she says sound dumber, but the parts of the speech I heard were just so…nothing. It was literally just generic bullshit that an AI could’ve pumped out.


Holy shit he just yanked on her arm pretty hard

And that is all that will be yanked on tonight.


Simulate? This feels like the real thing, I’m legit bugging out.

Person (exhale) man (exhale) woman (exhale), CAMERA, TV. Ok, I’m back.


Well if they get the majority of evil + the majority of stupid…

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I don’t know about you lot, but that speech really made me happy that young Melania was the recipient of a coveted “Einstein Visa.” Such talent!


lol Goat his dancing as he’s leading that woman up the stairs

Wapo treating melania like a half-wit, not mentioning her emotionless delivery or completely tone deaf and wacky assertion that donald trump is an honest man. It’s not pro-conservative bias, it’s pity.

In Tuesday’s keynote speech, the first lady made the case for her husband, rough edges and all.

“As you have learned over the past five years, he is not a traditional politician,” Melania Trump said. “He doesn’t just speak words. He demands action and he gets results. The future of our country has always been very important to him, and it is something that I have always admired.”

The first lady, who has run a “Be Best” campaign focused in part on online bullying, cast the president’s very public comments about his grievances in a positive light.

“We all know Donald Trump makes no secrets about how he feels about things,” she said. “Total honesty is what we as citizens deserve from our president. Whether you like it or not, you always know what he’s thinking. And that is because he’s an authentic person who loves this country and its people and wants to continue to make it better.”

One of the biggest applause lines of her speech came when she sent a message to Trump’s critics, saying, “If you tell him it cannot be done, he just works harder.”

“He’s what is best for our country,” she said.

apparently claire mccaskill just went off on all this shit on MSNBC

four years too late on that one claire

Didn’t watch any of this tonight, I guess I’ll check to see if there was anything important

Writers: Let’s add a little Russian spice to this shit show.


Un fucking real

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