The 2020 Republican National Convention: There will be blood. And soil.

Ok, add codifying real penalties to the Hatch Act, to passing a strengthened Voting Rights Act and the creation of a “Crimes of the Executive/President 2017-2020” panel as Step1 of the next admin.

Then we can get to Citizens United.

Finally we can get to M4All, racial justice and climate change.

Pass the bong.

Here were my top 4 campaign priorities:

Voting Rights Act reinstatement and strengthening
Election Security
Supreme Court
Citizens United aka Money in Politics

Electoral College and corruption/separation of powers issues were next.

If you don’t get the top 4 done, you get absolutely nothing else done in the future. 5 and 6 are right on the heels of the top 4. If we win in November, the next 4-6 years should be fixing every loophole to prevent anything like Trump and his administration ever happening again. Again, none of that happens without those top 4 being addressed first.

“Hey fuck you Karen” should be Biden’s campaign slogan.



This. For any Hearthstone players, it’s like we keep trying to make a control deck work during an insane aggro meta.

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A lot of Karen’s are liberal women

And liberal men.

I think Karen behavior is possibly worse in men but we’re more naturally offended by or notice it in women more. I think subconsciously we think it’s okay for men to treat people like shit.

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“I’m in charge now!”

No one will get this esoteric fyp reference because Warner legal cut it.



Really? Every single Karen I’ve ever known was a trumper.

Oh its glorious. Have this locked and loaded for any future Karens

hey fuck you karen


Karen has evolved to mean a lot of different things, as long as it’s pejorative. Just as an example, I’ve seen it used to refer both to the rabid anti-maskers (in which case it seems to mean, she’s so privileged and arrogant that she thinks the rules don’t apply to her which is why she feels comfortable rolling into a grocery store without a mask and then yelling at anyone who confronts her) and people who want to keep schools closed ("little Karen the snowflake wants to make everyone else suffer just to protect her precious little Timmy from even a tiny risk of danger).

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I feel bad for people named Karen who aren’t Karens.


Yeah, this is generally why I leave the term to women to use. It’s ripe for abuse to scold women from speaking up about anything at all.

I think Karen has evolved into a substitute for “bitch.” Or at the very least, will at some point in the future.

I’ve never heard of it being used like in the 2nd example and if you ever do you should mock them for using it wrong and being idiots. I’m guessing its old people doing it.

I watched a movie with my son 6 months ago and he was trying to recall the name and couldn’t, so he said “Hey Dad, what was the name of that movie where the daughter wants a boob job and the mom is a total Karen?”

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It wasn’t an old, it was an obnoxious guy in his late 30’s who thinks he’s liberal but has gotten really salty about the Covid shutdowns (his business has been really harmed and he has two small kids running around a relatively small place). I think (a) he basically thinks Karen means busybody so he applies it to people who want to tell him what to do and (b) he’s semi-trolling because most of his friends are college educated white liberals who know that being a Karen is bad, so he applies the term to a set of beliefs that he knows most of us have.

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