The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Then PA needs more locations, more mail, or early voting. Any wait time over 30 minutes is suppression, whether through malice or incompetence.


Making voting easier they could do. The other stuff would require constitutional amendments, and that’s basically impossible. We can try to create a way to circumvent the electoral college IF we flip a bunch of states in this cycle and IF the Supreme Court doesn’t strike it down.

You should link him to my Rock memes.


I don’t know if it’s going to be over 30 minutes. I got there an hour before polls opened. We have quite a few polling places around here. They need more in the city for sure. I truly believe this is just big turnout and/or enthusiasm. If there’s a line all day, that’s a different story.

Keep in mind we’re going to go from probably 57% turnout as a country to 70%. Going to be tough to scale for that during a pandemic with perhaps fewer people willing to volunteer.

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It’s not suppression if it is uniform throughout the state.

I think I said this before but this really is the ultimate litmus test for whether more turnout is better for Dems.


True, but it’s not uniform.

Jesus fucking Christ now is not the day and this is not the thread for your endless petty grudges. Stfu. Seriously.


Shuffle up and deal. Let’s goooooooo

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hard agree


I’d just loooove to hear more about how I’m a faker and I make excuses after I knocked doors for four shifts in the 10 days before the election, all in the rain, including one with 50+ mph winds. I’m just soft, I guess. Like in his defense we all suck and I should have knocked doors like 10 shifts, but I’m not going to disobey COVID protocols today to get the last two in.


Yeah I agree with all of that, but I’m in a relatively affluent mostly white suburb right now. My immediate area has a lot of Asian immigrants, but this is really not an area I’d expect to see any suppression. My buddy’s lift here a few elections and had never waited more than 15 minutes.

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I also want a policy instituted that we ban on sight anyone who uses the ACB meme


Looks like long lines all over PA at poll opening, both sides are tweeting about how this is proof they’re going to win.


I had my dog break his leg late yesterday and spent until after midnight at the emergency vet. So I got all the bad luck out of the way yesterday so we can fade it today. LFG.


Woman on CNN just said today is a day to be proud of American democracy!

Sorry bro. Hope the day pup is all good.


Hope its alright! If we have all learned one thing this year its that all other animals > humans


He is young so will probably be fine. Has to get a plate in his leg though.