The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable



My friend in Roxborough, another Philly neighborhood, has 200 people in her line.

I assume Wasserman is making fun of Ruffini here because Ruffini is always made fun of?

Are you next going to post your edifying tarot card readings?

This is the line when I left. This is in a county that went 65-35 for Hillary.


Matt Glassman was on last week’s Thinking Poker podcast.

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Yeah… I don’t believe for a second that Trump gets more than a few million votes more than he got in 2016. The rest of the extra turnout is ours.


Frost was pretty big on building walls iirc


Voted. My polling place in NH was absolutely packed at 6:30am.

NH has a Voter ID law, but allows you to vote with no ID if you sign an affidavit, which is what I do each time. There was a new lady working the desk this time and she said “oh, you’re like my son, he never carries his ID.” I said I have it, it’s just fine to vote without one. She then said “do you want a chip in your brain” Not clear if that was a question or an offer.


Amazing OP, A+, would read again.


I think he’s echoing Raffini. I also think it’s a near meaningless observation.

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We’ll see, but I think it’s huge for us. Us being terrified and them being mega confident isn’t a bad thing though.

I’ve felt the best way to get politics out of this meta was to break the likely voter model for some time.

The word few in my post is deliberately vague and doing a lot of work lol.

That is straight voter suppression.

If people are inclined to vote with an intensity from 1-10 (nevermind work, kids to drop off, etc), that line eliminates the 1s and 2s.


My gameday social media post:

Today is the day. The day we can choose love over hate, hope over fear, equality over bigotry and science over conspiracy. We can stop being led by someone who has lied publicly over 20,000 times. We can stop being led by someone who callously disregards 230,000 dead Americans. We can stop being led by someone who openly seeks to divide us. We can stop being led by someone who openly vilifies anyone who refuses to bend the knee.

For someone who claimed to want to make America “Great Again” we sure don’t feel very great or even working in the right direction. The ultimate irony is that the MAGA crowd has done nothing but make this country a very hateful and gross place to live. One where minorities, immigrants and the LGBTQ community live in an ever increasing level of fear. One where the American flag has been replaced by fascist symbolism. One where a large part of our country not only doesn’t mind our leader constantly hurling kindergarten insults but loudly and proudly calls for the jailing of political opponents with LOCK HIM/HER UP chants. One where people I used to see as decent people have sacrificed everything they claimed to believe in to worship at the altar of Donald Trump.

We aren’t better off than we were 4 years ago and we won’t be better off 4 years from now if we don’t make a change. That is true even without Covid but especially true with it. If you don’t like Biden fine. He was far from my first choice either. But it is very clear we can’t tolerate four more years of this as a nation.


I’m going to try not to read too much into long lines today. It’s probably a good sign in philly suburbs, but at the same time it’s a goddamed disgrace that people have to stand in line for hours to cast a vote.

Seriously hoping there are a significant number of apathetic trump voters who decide to stay home today because of the lines and because they falsely believe it will be a Trump landslide anyway.




You stay classy, jal.

This is the tiniest of samples, but of the four climbing buddies in NH I discussed this with yesterday, three of them said they did not vote early by mail because they wanted to deliver their ballot in person on election day. And not because of worries about mailing their ballot. One said, “to stick it up his ass sideways”. All three are straight ticket Dem voters. So maybe there are other Dems around the country who feel the same way and we get a bigger turnout than expected?


No, it’s a blue county in a state with a Democratic governor and secretary of state. It’s white and suburban, so it’s definitely not suppression. It’s big turnout. But it could just be high enthusiasm and everyone wants to vote right away.

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