The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Has anyone actually found a website that will have the Sumter County results? That’s going to drop at 7 pm so it will be our first real glimpse.

This is wrong. PA is going to come in huge Trump early. You could go to bed with Trump +15 in PA and he could still be a dog to win once they count the absentees over the next week or so.

Do you mean party registration? If so the. Yes

CNN usually does a county breakdown. Decision Desk should also, IIRC.

Decision desk HQ is usually the go to for county level results.

No I mean a website that will have the Sumter county results.

Ok, thanks.


Im still around. Thanks all for the kind words and memories. This place has been invaluable for COVID related things all year. I actually lurk pretty heavily but for mental sanity reasons just have refrained from posting on any politics sites for a long time. Banned myself from the other forum you mentioned because I got banned from the politics section for suggesting that maybe a heavily male oriented site shouldnt have mods reinforcing bitches be lying as acceptable discourse. This was 2018 so like 125 controversies ago and I cant even remember which one triggered it at this point. Lost the burner email password for the LetsGambool account i created on here, so havent logged in for ages. Hopefully in a better place mentally 12 hours from now.


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I make more than you j/k


I’ll be damned if you do.

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I’ve always wondered what % of people either don’t know who they’re going to vote for yet, or change their mind in the voting booth. Crazy to think those people could swing a close election.

Also it seems pretty obvious to me that the BLM protests were a huge win for democrats. I didn’t necessarily think it would be a loss at the polls, but I worried in some places fear might flip some suburban voters. But that doesn’t seem to have happened at all. It may have retrenched some Trump voters - 99% of whom were going to vote anyway. But even my moderate R family members seemed to side with the protesters.


yea if BLM changed their minds then they were always “finding a reason” to vote for the orange clown

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I saw a similar story about a voter named Big Papi.


One of my favorite posters ever. Hope you’re doing well

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Finally caught up with the 1100 posts, making my first post for the night ITT.

It’s almost 11 pm here in Euroland and I just made the first of probably many white russians. Hopefully I’ll be nice and drunk when the real results start coming in in the middle of the night :+1:

Feeling better about the election now than I have in the last couple weeks, we’ll see if that holds!