The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

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What if itā€™s 66.5 or 68.5?

you love to see it^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1323739790752292865|twgr^share_3&


Oh darnit. Thought he was gonna be on JRE with Kyle Kulinski

GA flipping would be really special for me too. I grew up a state away, but I still remember my parents and aunt and uncle taking us and my cousins to Plains, GA to visit Jimmy Carterā€™s house and farm back in 1978 or 79. It was so cool. I still had a mug with his shit-eating grin on it until just a few years ago. My dad brought back a six pack of Billy Beer. Everyone in the South loved Carter then. (If you can even fathom such a world, Virginia was the only southern state to go red in 1976). Iā€™m pretty sure that trip made me a Democrat even at that tender age. Iā€™m also pretty sure my parents didnā€™t vote for him in 1980 and were GOP from then on.

Carter did bink his home state in 80, but other than Clinton backing into it in 92 thanks probably to Perot, it hasnā€™t come close since. It would be truly awesome to see it again, even more so considering that Jimmy is still around.


This is better imo.

Member of the elite special forces unit, Navy Walruses. Very elite.

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For those worried, if I use sex worker Twitter as an indication Biden should win something like 537 electoral votes! :grin:


I read atlanta and went nooooooooo

How long have you had an Onlyfans account clovis?


Atlanta really never recovered from Josef getting hurt in the first match.

I assume you mean because of this.

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idgaf about florida. trump gonna win that shithole and they are taking me county by county. give me NC ffs

If indies were in Trumpā€™s corner, Trump would have been reminding us incessantly of this fact this past four years (ā€œ95% approval in the Republican Party!ā€)

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I subscribe to several.

I think my own would be an, umm how should I say, poor investment! :grin:

It would have fewer subscribers than the ā€œDonald J. Trump newsletter on racial sensitivity trainingā€.


Two sources Iā€™m going with: Unstuck Politics and

Gotta cut out the noise on CNN and the like.

Safe to say that if PA has a large margin one way or another by late night EST, I can go to sleep knowing the outcome.


Tiny red town in NH. Iā€™ve got about fifteen people in front of me just to register. People who are already registered are pretty much walking right in.

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Meh thereā€™s something for everyone